Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

Last Edition Components

Year 2024 Number 3-4

March - April


Component manufacturers, market in decline in 2024

Mondo Macchina interviewed the president of Comacomp Fausto Mazzali on the short and medium term market prospects for the component sector. 2024 looks like a year full of challenges and uncertainties for Italian manufacturers

The country logbook, from paper to the cloud

The legislative requirement to record all activities carried out on the farm fosters the development of dedicated software. Such systems, in addition to simplifying data entry and management, improve resource utilization and production traceability

Sensors for precision milking

Sensors implemented on milking plants and robots are a valuable aid to modern livestock farm management. Such sensors ensure not only economic and environmental sustainability but also the safety and quality of barn processing and the final product

Hydraulic pumps, the mechanical heart of irrigation systems

From livestock wastewater treatment to biomass processing to phytosanitary applications and irrigation, hydraulic pumps are critical to a large number of agricultural operations. The different types of models and the jobs for which they are intended

Tyres for greenery maintenance

From the transmission of traction force to the support of the machine load, to the reduction of vibrations caused by irregularities in the ground, tyres perform an important function for all moving machines, even those for greenery maintenance

Topcon join the business network AI4FARM

New entry in AI4FARM, the business network created in 2022 by Image Line and Agricolus that brings together companies specialised in precision agriculture able to provide a common vocabulary for interoperability between the different information and management systems, and make...

Emilprobe, the alarm system designed by Emiliana Serbatoi

In 2016 Emiliana Serbatoi offered the market Emilprobe, an alarm system for tanks that intervenes in the event of theft or anomalies. Today, eight years later, the device is one of the flagship products of the Campogalliano (Modena) company. The...

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