Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

Parking jacks with Dual-Speed system by Simol

by Giacomo Di Paola
October - November 2016 | Back

Simol from Reggio Emilia (the headquarters are in Codisotto di Luzzara) has operated in the field of agricultural mechanics for the past fifty years, and its goal has always been to provide OEMs with next-generation solutions ready for assembly, constantly improving its range of jacks and supporting wheels distinguished for high performance and ease of use. Precisely for this reason, in past years the Emilian company has focused most of its resources on the parking jacks of the DG range, with the design of a mechanism inside the gearbox, the dual-speed system. Without changing dimensions and design, it has enabled a reduction of 70% in positioning time and 10% in load lifting effort. Today, during EIMA International, where Simol celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, the Codisotto team presents an expansion in its range of parking jacks equipped with dual-speed system, also applying it to lighter and smaller supports. This means that a greater number of machines, not only heavy duty ones, can benefit from the benefits in terms of time optimization and effort reduction, which the fast terrain approaching and distancing system produces. “Before the introduction on the small supports - the Reggio company explains in a note - the dual speeds were present only on telehandlers for heavy trailers. Our innovation has made it possible to bring the benefits of the gears to all levels, adding the “high” gear to even the smallest supports, maintaining unchanged the design of its products.” For Simol, the Bologna event also marks another first: the debut of the Easy Fit knob on the whole range. This device is even easier to install and more ergonomic thanks to the increased diameter.


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