Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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Digital agriculture, the italian boom

Public incentive tools are contributing to the growth of agriculture 4.0 in Italy. Between 2020 and 2021 the turnover of the digital market tripled, rewarding in particular expenditure on machines and equipment connected natively. As investments in 'smart' systems have grown, so has their spread: today 6% of the agricultural surface area is cultivated with smart technologies

Digital agriculture, the third Green Revolution

There were two conferences set up for the EIMA Show for examining the prospects for digital agriculture and the applications not only at the level of agronomic techniques but also the issues of safety and insurance

Digital agriculture: innovation on the net

A survey carried out by Image Line and Nomisma was presented at EIMA International, regarding the use of internet information and electronic technologies by farmers and subcontractors. Increasing the use of specific "apps"

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