Mondo Macchina Nr. 11 - Supplemento componentistica - Anno 2022

te alla norma ISO 6489-2; il gancio ‘a uncino’, molto diffuso nel mercato anglosassone e rispondente alla norma ISO 6489-1; il gancio ‘Piton’, tipico del mercato francese e rispondente alla norma ISO 6489-4; il gancio ‘a sfera’, tipico dei mercati del nord ed est Europa (Germania, Polonia in testa) rispondente alla norma ISO 24347; la barra di traino conforme alla norma ISO 6489-3, avente dimensioni differenti rispetto alla barra di traino CUNA tipica del mercato italiano e rispondente alla ISO 6489-5. Per quanto riguarda gli occhioni, è ora possibile installare sulle macchine trainate, oltre ovviamente al già citato occhione italiano CUNA (detto tecnicamente occhione ‘girevole’ conforme alla noring, and permitted articulation during maneuvering. Below, in detail, the new types of hook-eye combinations which are finally allowed in Italy. The list of installable hooks includes, in addition to the already mentioned CUNA (strictly defined by technicians as a 'fixed pin' hook and complying with the ISO 6489 Part 5 standard), the 'swivel pin' hook, typical of the German market and complying with the ISO 6489-2 standard; the 'hook 'hook,' very popular in the Anglo-Saxon market and complying with the ISO 6489-1 standard; the 'Piton' hook, typical of the French market and complying with the ISO 6489-4 standard; the 'ball' hook, typical of the northern and eastern European markets (Germany, Poland in the lead) complying with the ISO 24347 standard; the tow bar complying with the ISO 6489-3 standard, having different dimensions than the CUNA tow bar typical of the Italian market and complying with the ISO 6489-5 standard. Hence, the industry of the sector makes available a variety of mechanical devices; however, it is important that the user correctly matches the hook with the respective eye. In fact, the coupling mechanics between hooks and rings follow precise criteria at the design level to allow for the correct degrees of freedom. This is because the shape of the hook is designed to allow the corresponding eye certain minimum angular rotations in the horizontal plane, in the vertical plane and around the longitudinal axis. An incorrect coupling of hook and rings can lead to serious consequences for the operation of the agricultural train, such as the breakage of one of the two components and the consequent detachment of the towed vehicle from the tractor or the overturning of both conTECNICA 14 TECNICA Gancio fisso a Perno/barre di traino (ISO 6489-5) Fixed Pivot Hook/Trailing Bars (ISO 6489-5) Gancio a UNCINO (ISO 6498-1) UNCIO hook (ISO 6498-1) Barre di traino (ISO 6489-3). Nota: Dimensioni differenti rispetto alla barra di traino Tow bars (ISO 6489-3). Note: Different size than a tow bar Gancio a SFERA (ISO 24347) Coupling ball (ISO 24347) Gancio Piton (ISO 6489-4) Piton Hook (ISO 6489-4) Gancio fisso a Perno/barre di traino (tipo DIN - ISO 6489-2) Fixed Pivot Hook/Trailing Bars (type DIN - ISO 6489-2) La foto mostra un esempio di articolazione che il dispositivo di accoppiamento gancio-occhione deve essere in grado di soddisfare durante la sua operatività This picture shows an example of the articulation that the hitch-eye coupling device must be able to meet during its operation Esempi di ganci di traino installabili sui trattori agricoli Examples of tow hooks installable on agricultural tractors