Mondo Macchina Nr. 1-2 - Anno 2023

TECNICA 58 TECNICA of the most suitable harvester model. For instance, lamb's lettuce is cut as low as 1-2 mm below the soil surface, while lettuce and spinach are mowed 1-2 cm high. Some models can be equipped with a small-diameter reel to facilitate the cutting and conveying the cut material. The conveying element is a plastic elevator belt, which can be either a continuous surface (smooth or embossed, in the latter case, to transfer the product better) or perforated mesh (to allow separation of the product from soil residues). Devices for facilitating manual intervention From a physical point of view, salad greens are remarkably perishable as they are very sensitive to impact and/or comL’offerta di verdure, frutta e ortaggi è articolata in 5 gamme, distinte sulla base delle tecnologie e dei processi di lavorazione applicati al prodotto, dalla raccolta sino alla vendita finale. La prima gamma si riferisce all’ortofrutta fresca tradizionale, mentre la seconda riguarda quella in conserva proposta in barattolo; la terza comprende invece frutta e verdure surgelate e la quarta l’ortofrutta fresca, lavata, confezionata e pronta al consumo. La quinta gamma infine include frutta e verdure cotte e ricettate, confezionate e pronte al consumo. Nello specifico, fanno quindi parte della quarta gamma anche le insalate in busta e le verdure pronte, come ad esempio i soffritti e i minestroni. In tal caso, nel più breve tempo possibile dopo la raccolta è necessario: selezionare i prodotti, effettuarne la cernita, eliminare le parti indesiderate e/o eventuali corpi estranei (es. insetti), pulire, sminuzzare (nel caso di verdure lavorate), lavare e asciugare il materiale. Segue infine il confezionamento, in buste o in contenitori specifici, anche con creazione di atmosfera controllata o modificata al loro interno. La quarta gamma The range of vegetables, fruits and vegetables is divided into 5 ranges, distinct according to the technologies and manufacturing processes applied to the product, from harvest to final sale. The first range is for traditional fresh fruits and vegetables, while the second is for canned fruits and vegetables offered in jars; the third includes frozen fruits and vegetables, and the fourth is for fresh, washed, packaged, and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables. Finally, the fifth range includes cooked and reconstituted fruits and vegetables, packaged and ready-to-eat. Hence, bagged salads and ready-to-eat vegetables, such as stirfry and vegetable soup, are specifically part of the fourth range. In this case, as soon as possible after harvesting, it is necessary to: select the products, sort them, remove unwanted parts and/or any foreign bodies (e.g., insects), clean, chop (in the case of processed vegetables), wash and dry the material. Finally, packaging follows, in bags or specific containers, also with the creation of a controlled or modified atmosphere inside them The fourth range Sopra: nei modelli elettrici, il pacco batterie è montato su slitte; sotto: la carreggiata variabile permette alla macchina un’ottima adattabilità ai diversi sesti di impianto Above: in the electric models, the battery pack is mounted on skids; below: the variable track width provides excellent adaptability of the machine to different planting beds Dettaglio della zona di sfalcio e convogliamento del prodotto su una raccoglitrice azionata elettricamente Detail of the mowing area and product conveyance on an electrically driven harvester