Mondo Macchina Nr. 5-6 - Anno 2022

n. 5-6/2022 75 TECHNOLOGY Machinery for forest fire prevention Maintenance work on forest areas, such as fire tracks, among others, is increasingly important in light of climate changes. These increase temperatures and reduce rainfall, exposing forest canopies to fire risk. A wide range of specialized machinery and equipment is the necessary support for prevention efforts rio, con boschi, oliveti e campi coltivati ridotti completamente in cenere e quasi 1.500 le persone sfollate. Duole poi constatare che anche nel mondo le cose non vadano molto meglio, sempre nel medesimo periodo si sono registrati incendi vastissimi e devastanti in Siberia, in Canada, in California, in Grecia, in Turchia, in Amazzonia, in Australia e in diversi Paesi africani, ma secondo le stime fornite dal WWF nei soli Stati Uniti negli ultimi 40 anni il numero degli incendi è aumentato del 1000%. Il pianeta Terra insomma sta bruciando, e a confermarlo c’è un'eloquente immagine pubblicata dalla Fire Information for Resource Management System della Nasa in cui si vedono tutti i punti del with forests, olive groves and cultivated fields wholly reduced to ashes and nearly 1,500 people displaced. Sad to note then those things are not much better in the world either: in the same period, there have been exceptionally large and devastating fires in Siberia, Canada, California, Greece, Turkey, the Amazon, Australia, and several African countries. However, according to estimates provided by the WWF, in the United States alone, in the last 40 years, the number of fires has increased by 1000%. In short, planet Earth is burning, and this is confirmed by an eloquent image released by Nasa’s Fire Information for Resource Man-