Mondo Macchina Nr. 7-9 - Anno 2022

ANTEPRIMA EIMA Sempre tecnologica è anche la premiazione del Tractor of the Year 2023, in programma mercoledì 9 novembre. Come noto il Tractor of the Year, organizzato dalla rivista Trattori, è un riconoscimento internazionale assegnato da una giuria di giornalisti specializzati, chiamati a valutare, in relazione a una serie di parametri i migliori trattori presenti sul mercato europeo. Nei cinque giorni di EIMA International, i modelli finalisti sfileranno nella suggestiva area demo esterna, appositamente allestita tra i padiglioni 35 e 37. Due gli appuntamenti previsti con cadenza giornaliera: il primo alle 11, il secondo alle 16. Da segnalare, tra gli appuntamenti della kermesse bolognese, anche la premiazione del “Contoterzista dell’anno” promossa dalla rivista “Il Contoterzista”, prevista venerdì 11 novembre alle 14.30. Novità assoluta di EIMA 2022 è l’evento “Garden E-motion”, promosso da Comagarden in collaborazione con Demogreen srl, che consiste in un programma di prove dimostrative di mezzi e attrezzature per il giardinaggio e la cura del verde, allestite in un’area all’aperto, all’interno del quartiere fieristico, e centrate su differenti tipologie di mezzi. cision agriculture, and the new frontier of automation and artificial intelligence are already contributing to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. Many are the indepth events organised at EIMA International on these themes. Digital technologies and language systems are the leitmotif of the meeting promoted on Friday 11 November by the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF), while the meeting organised by the Agricultural Robotics Association (FIRA) on Thursday 10 November will take stock of the state of the art of highly automated systems for agriculture. Agriculture 4.0 will also be discussed at the meeting of the Smart Agrifood Observatory, which, also on Thursday 10 November, will take stock of the spread of digital technology in the agricultural and agrifood supply chain. Equally technological is also the awarding of the Tractor of the Year 2023, scheduled for Wednesday, 9 November. As is well known, the Tractor of the Year, organised by Trattori magazine, is an international award assigned by a jury of specialised journalists, who are called upon to evaluate the best tractors on the European market in relation to a set of parameters. During the five days of EIMA International, the finalist models will parade in the impressive outdoor demo area, specially set up between halls 35 and 37. Two appointments will be held daily: the first at 11:00, the second at 16:00. Another appointment wor thy of note at the Bologna exhibition will be the "Contractor of the Year" award ceremony promoted by "Il Contoterzista" magazine, scheduled for Friday 11 November at 14:30. A completely new event at EIMA 2022 is "Garden E-motion", promoted by Comagarden in collaboration with Demogreen srl, consisting of a programme of demonstration tests of vehicles and equipment for gardening and landscaping, set up in an open-air area inside the exhibition centre and focusing on different types of vehicles. ANTEPRIMA EIMA