Mondo Macchina Nr. 1 - Anno 2022

FOCUS ARATRI 24 FOCUS ARATRI un controllo molto preciso di ogni fase della produzione. Dopo la sinterizzazione, sono eseguiti diversi passaggi di formatura per compressione, ad ottenere gli inserti che saranno collocati per brasatura nella loro posizione finale, talvolta con un trattamento termico dell’intero organo lavorante a 800°C, per una miglior omogeneità strutturale del pezzo. La ricerca della miglior resistenza all’usura già da tempo è stata orientata anche verso materiali non metallici, diHeat treatments and special materials All agricultural soil working equipment is built with steels suitable to substantially withstand two types of stress: friction due to the soil sliding on the tools and impacts with the important components of the skeleton. These imply respectively progressive wear and tear and the danger of breakage. In addition to the disconnection devices of the part affected by the impact with the foreign body, the best resistance of the material is obtained with an increase in the surface hardness of the item while maintaining the highest flexibility of the internal structure. This result is obtained through various processes, the most common of which are hardening and case-hardening. However, different solutions are also adopted on this issue, such as the use of boron steels or components, such as the verse, made of three layers with other characteristics. For parts subject to the highest stress, such as the coulter, plate inserts made of even harder materials, such as tungsten carbide, are used. Their manufacture requires exact control of each production step. After sintering, several compression forming steps are performed to obtain the inserts that will be placed by brazing in their final position. Sometimes a heat treatment of the entire working organ is carried out at 800°C, for better structural uniformity of the piece. La miglior resistenza meccanica dell’aratro può essere ottenuta con trattamenti termici dell’acciaio (sopra), ma anche con la costruzione a strati differenziati e l’aggiunta di placchette al carburo di tungsteno per la parti maggiormente sollecitate (sotto) The best mechanical resistance of the plough can be obtained with heat treatment of the steel (above), but also with the construction of differentiated layers and the addition of tungsten carbide plates for the most stressed parts (below) Molti produttori hanno a catalogo modelli con versoi costruiti (o ricoperti) con materiale plastico, adatto alla lavorazione di terreni collosi e appiccicosi Many manufacturers have models in their catalog with mouldboards manufactured (or covered) with plastic material, suitable for working on sticky soils