Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

From Italy to the United Kingdom, a Carraro tractor crosses Europe


A journey 1375 kilometers long, this is the challenge of a Tony V by Antonio Carraro which started yesterday, Tuesday 7 May, from the Campodarsego factories, in the province of Padua. Tractor Trek, this is the name of the initiative, will see the tractor travel across Europe through Italy, Switzerland, and France to eventually reach the headquarters of the British importer Kirkland, collaborator of the initiative, in the town of Maidstone in the United Kingdom United. The vehicle will be driven by the product manager of the Kirkland team, Lauris Cirulis, who will stop at the dealers and importers of the Venetian company located in the various stages of the long journey. The adventure will be documented by a crew who will follow the entire journey, filming and photographing the Tony V and publishing the images on the Antonio Carraro social channels.

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