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Page Background

è quella della inter-

nazionalità. I beni

culturali, così come i

prodotti e le iniziative

imprenditoriali italia-

ni hanno una grande

qualità intrinseca e

determinano un’im-

magine del Paese

comunque d’alto pro-

filo, sulla quale è

possibile costruire

relazioni culturali ed

economiche impor-

tanti e durevoli. Fon-

damentale, nella pro-

spettiva indicata da

Boccia, l’attuazione

della riforma costitu-

zionale che dovrebbe

rendere il Paese più

efficiente e le istitu-

zioni più reattive din-

nanzi alle sfide contemporanee. Del resto, la stessa Confindu-

stria ha intrapreso la via del rinnovamento istituzionale con l’at-

tuazione della riforma Pesenti (sulla base della quale la confe-

derazione ha creato i nuovi assetti statutari) che cita l’interna-

zionalizzazione delle imprese come precisa missione della Con-

federazione, e orienta l’intero sistema di servizi alle imprese

verso il sostegno alle esportazioni, alla cooperazione industria-

le internazionale, all’attrazione in Italia degli investimenti este-

ri. La riforma Pesenti nasce dall’esigenza, riscontrata in ambi-

to confederale, di rafforzare l’identità e il senso di appartenen-

za, ristabilendo nel sistema una maggiore compattezza e unità

d’intenti. Insieme a questo è emersa l’esigenza di predisporre

as Italian prod-

ucts and entre-

preneurial activi-

ties have a huge

innate quality and

determine an im-

age of a high-pro-

file country, on

which it is possi-

ble to build im-

portant and long-

lasting economic

and cultural rela-


Essential in this

regard, according

to Boccia, is the

implementation of

constitutional re-

forms that should

make the country

more efficient and

the institutions

more reactive to contemporary challenges.

However, Confindustria itself has embarked on a path of in-

stitutional renewal with the implementation of the Pesenti

reform, on the basis of which the confederation has creat-

ed a new statute, with the internationalization of businesses

as the clear mission of the Confederation, a whole system

of export-oriented services to businesses for international

cooperation of industries and attraction of foreign invest-

ment in Italy.

The Pesenti reform was born from the need – at a federal

level – to strengthen identity and sense of belonging, by

restoring a more compact system and the unity of purpose.

The Italian Federation of agricultural machinery manufac-

turers has a new statute. The assembly of the associated in-

dustries, held in Bologna on May 6, approved its new char-

ter, which recognises the last dispositions by the Pesenti re-

form implemented by Confindustria, to which all organiza-

tions are required to adapt.

Simplification of statutory bodies, turnover, direct commit-

ment for the development of foreign markets and compli-

ance with the new ethic code are the distinctive character-

istics of the reform and of FederUnacoma new statutory

arrangements. The new Statute, which was drafted in ac-

cordance with the schedule set up by Confindustria and with

the appropriate forms, was developed by a specifically

formed Commission (that is the last FederUnacoma Execu-

tive Council). The final text – examined and evaluated in its

entirety by Confindustria and the Committee for the imple-

mentation of the reform – was submitted in the assembly

to the approval of the member companies. In the new

statute, the Commission also included the “transitional reg-

ulations” needed to harmonise the institutional deadlines

of the Federation and Confindustria, in order to ensure the

repositioning of roles (President of the Federation, Presi-

dents of several associations and other statutory bodies).

The transitional regulation approved by the Statute Com-

mission postponed to June 2017 the election of the new

President of the Federation and the Presidents of sectors

(which, in ordinary circumstances would have terminated

their mandate in June this year) and specified that by that

date the outgoing president will no longer be re-elected. The

other presidents will be allowed to apply, but for a period of

two years.

As of June 2017, the new system of election of the other fed-

erative bodies (General Council, Auditors, Board of Arbitra-

tors, Bodies of the associations) will be fully operational, es-

tablishing the replacement of Board members in June 2018

and so the necessary deferral to ensure the repositioning of

elective bodies. Each elective body is expected to have a two-

year duration, renewable according to specific roles. The Pres-

idents can be re-elected for two full mandates, that is for

four years in total, while members of General Council and

associations can be re-elected three times after the first ap-

pointment, for a total of eight years. In a nutshell, it is a

process that will be involving a greater number of associa-

tions in representative functions.





, the

new statute

has kicked off

Assemblea straordinaria FederUnacoma

FederUnacoma extraordinary Assembly


n. 5-6/2016