Mondo Macchina Nr 12 Anno 2014 - page 52

di PietroPiccarolo -PresidenteAccademiadiAgricolturadi Torino
aumentodellapopolazioneurbanaa livellomondialee
la cementificazionedellearee rurali adesse circostan-
ti eallaperditadi areeagricole,naturali eseminaturali.Gli ef-
fetti negativi chenesonoderivati hanno fatto crescere,negli
ultimi anni, l’attenzioneper il verde inambienteurbanodapar-
tedei cittadini edellemunicipalità. Anchenel nostroPaesesi
èpresa consapevolezza che leareea verde consentonospa-
zi ricreativi, ludici ededucativi che,nonsolosvolgonouna fun-
zionesociale,mamiglioranoanche l’aspettourbano.Nel con-
tempo, questi spazi offrono numerosi benefici ecologici, dal
miglioramentodel climaalla riduzionedell’inquinamentoam-
L’attenzione per il verde urbano nei paesi del nord-Europa
ha una lunga tradizione. Anche in Francia, non da oggi, l’in-
teresse èmolto alto. Recentemente in questo Paese è sta-
tacondottaun’interessante indagineconsiderando,oltreagli
byPietroPiccarolo -PresidentAcademyofAgricultureof Turin
ncreasingurbanpopulationsaround theworldand theun-
controlled expansion of cities has led to construction tak-
ing over rural lands and areas surrounding them and the
loss of natural and partially natural farmland. The negative
repercussions of this trend has resulted in recent years in
the growth of attention paid by residents andmunicipalities
to greenery in the urban environment. In Italy as well there
is a heightened awareness that green areas make way for
spaces for recreation, playgrounds and educational purpos-
es which not only play social roles but improve the urban
scene. In themeantime, these spacesprovidenumerouseco-
logical benefits, from improving the climate to the reduction
of pollution in the city environment.
Attentiongiven tourbangreenery in thecountriesofNorthEu-
rope has a long tradition. This interest has also been great in
France for some time.An interesting survey was recently con-
ducted in this country on themaintenance of this heritage of
greenery and initiatives for the promotion of an awareness of
parks and gardens aimed at favoring biodiversity and for col-
lectingand treatinggreenery residues.The top threemostgreen
cities in France turned out to beAngers, Nantes and Limoges.
These in the leading category were distinguished by substan-
tial investments in the creation andmaintenance of green ar-
eas the allocation of 5% of their municipal budgets, which
amounts to four times the national average, and areas ac-
counting for 20% of the total of the territory of thesemunici-
palities.Angers led thewaywith51m
of greenareaper resi-
dent. Nantes can vaunt asmany as100hectaresof park land
andgardens, equal to16%of the city’s territory, and invests
98per residentper year for them.This figure isonlyslightly less
than the
100 investedby the third rankedcitywithgreenar-
easwhich reach10%ofmunicipal territory.
n. 12/2014
Una recente indagineha incoronatoAngers,Nantes
e Limoges come le trecittàdellaFranciapiù ricche
di verdepubblico, grazieecriteri di gestioneottimali
maanchealle risorse finanziariecospicue investitea
questo fine. In Italia, sulla scortadei positivi risultati
ottenuti all’esteroeancheper lacontrazionedelle
risorse finanziarie legateallacrisi economica, si sta
diffondendo indiversemunicipalità lamanutenzione
differenziata, cioè l’adozionedi un livello
manutentivoeseguito in funzionedella tipologiadi
areaa verde, dell’intensitàdi fruizioneedella
localizzazione. Ampia lagammadi tecnologie
impiegate, dai rasaerbaai soffiatori
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