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Agricultural machinery: Italian industry betting on Asian markets

The new FederUnacoma president, Alessandro Malavolti, has named development of Asian markets as one of his priorities, especially for Far East countries with great demographic and economic potential and in need of technologies for improving agriculture productivity. Coming up in India in December is the international EIMA Agrimach appointment, the trade fair platform for the promotion of Made in Italy agricultural mechanics throughout the vast Asian regions

by the editorial staff
July - August - September 2017 | Back

Italian agricultural machinery manufacturing industries are looking to the East and the work of their federation, FederUnacoma, is training special focus in the 2017-2018 period on such emerging markets as Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea. This direction was explained by the new FederUnacoma president Alessandro Malavolti, a Reggio Emilia entrepreneur and CEO of the AMA industrial group who was elected to the office during the June 22 general assembly of the associated agricultural machinery manufacturers. Laying out his guidelines, Malavolti noted that Asia accounts for 35% of the world’s agricultural lands, an enormous quota compared to 10% in North America and only 4% in Europe. Asian agriculture will require substantial investments to raise productivity to meet increasing food demand. “Indonesia on its own has a population of 260 million and the outlook for 2020 points to the country becoming the world’s seventh largest economy,” Malavolti explained. “This means a middle class of nearly 50 million demanding more diversified food of higher quality. This will require a great improvement of agricultural technologies.” he said. Strategies for the development of agricultural mechanization are obviously targeted on many other countries, from Argentina to Australia, Russia to South Africa and emerging oriental countries further afield. These countries will be given an especially interesting opportunity with the arrival of the international EIMA Agrimach exposition in New Delhi coming up next December 7 to 9, organized by FederUnacoma with the cooperation of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, FICCI, for creating a platform of reference for the vast Asian market. On this event, Malavolti commented, “Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea as well as Japan, China and India itself make up the priority named by the Foreign Ministry and ICE, the Italian Trade Agency, planning activities and promotion work in the current year on policies and economics issues for creating business conditions in various sectors which include this appointment on agricultural mechanization which places Italy in first place in the world for production capacity and breadth of range.  

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