Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

Francesco Lollobrigida: mechanization a key sector for Italian economy

The Italian agricultural machinery industries have supported the modernization of Italian agriculture and have reached positions of absolute excellence. This was underlined by the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida speaking at the conference "Beyond the economic situation: planning activities, starting investments", held on 3 July in Varignana (Bologna) on the sidelines of the FederUnacoma Assembly. «Today – said the minister – agricultural machinery is called upon to face the consequences of climate change and the water crisis, in a context characterized by the increase in production costs, especially those linked to energy, and by the need to guarantee greater environmental sustainability of production processes».
Encouraging and supporting the innovation of Italian industries represents therefore a strategic objective for Italy. With this in mind, Lollobrigida confirmed the activation of the resources - 400 million euros - provided for by the PNNR (New Generation Fund) and those by the Innovation Fund (225 million euros). The Varignana conference – which saw speeches by Carlo Altomonte professor of the Bocconi University of Milan, Angelo Frascarelli of the University of Perugia, Giovanni Molari of the University of Bologna and finally Marko Bertogna of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – addressed the theme of innovation in agriculture and focused on business strategies to overcome the socio-political and economic variables that affect global markets.

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