Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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The agricultural machinery on display at the G7 in Siracusa

FederUnacoma has been entrusted with the organization of three exhibition areas dedicated to agricultural mechanization located in the Syracuse district of Ortigia. These cutting-edge technologies reconcile productivity and environmental sustainability

EIMA 2024, International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition

Trade Agency (ICE) headquarters in Rome. The global market is growing and demand is expected to increase in the years to come. More and more countries are investing in agricultural technologies and require special technical and commercial cooperation programs

System synergies for made in Italy

On the occasion of the FederUnacoma assembly, the vice-president of Confindustria Marchesini, the deputy general secretary of FAO Martina, the President of ICE Zoppas and the analyst Pinosa discussed the strategies to face the new geography of agricultural production and agro-mechanical trade. The message of the minister Lollobrigida
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Agricultural mechanisation, global market variables

On 3 July, as part of the FederUnacoma Generale Assembly, a conference was held on 'Beyond the economic situation: planning activities, planning investments'. At the centre of the speeches were the challenges posed to agro-mechanical companies by the new economic-productive structures created by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine

Minister Lollobrigida visiting EIMA International

"Full immersion" of the new Minister of Agriculture at the agricultural machinery exhibition. The government's intentions include support for the development of mechanisation, also seen as an alternative route to the use of genetically modified organisms

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