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EIMA 2024, International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition

Trade Agency (ICE) headquarters in Rome. The global market is growing and demand is expected to increase in the years to come. More and more countries are investing in agricultural technologies and require special technical and commercial cooperation programs

Garden equipment, stable market awaiting EIMA Green

The weather trend is affecting the market for gardening and landscaping machinery. After a start to the year characterised first by high temperatures and then by a winter recrudescence, the spring season stabilised, alternating between rainy and sunny days, thus...

All technologies for water management

Drought and heat do not let go. Only with cutting-edge technologies and the reduction of losses can we truly safeguard water resources. The most innovative systems at EIMA Idrotech

EIMA Energy, the many novelties of the biomass hall

A busy program of initiatives characterises the tenth edition of EIMA Energy, hall dedicated to the latest generation of machinery and the most innovative technologies for the enhancement of biomass and the industrial energy chains connected to them

Italian agricultural mechanics for East African primary sector

Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda these were the three stages of the promotional event that between 15 and 22 March involved some of the best-known brands of Italian agricultural mechanics. The 46th edition of EIMA International was also presented during the road show

EIMA International, the 46th edition presented in streaming from Bologna

The great agricultural mechanics event aims to confirm the success of 2022. Among the innovations planned by the organizers of FederUnacoma is the REAL area specifically dedicated to robotic technologies and a contest reserved for social communication. Already rich the programme of conferences and thematic events

2024 Edition, preparing a successful event

In just one and a half months, registrations have jumped over 1330, with already 412 foreign companies booked. The number of exhibitors is expected to grow and the entire exhibition centre is expected to be sold out. Mariateresa Maschio: "there is great confidence but also great expectations from the operators". Simona Rapastella: "EIMA is an ‘innovation factory’ where the agriculture of the future is built"

The new Tractor of the Year formula

The prestigious international award comes to the 46th edition of the event with many new features, starting with the category for robotic tractors. Another novelty concerns the award for open-field tractors, which has been divided into two distinct power ranges

EIMA, the automated animal welfare barns

New technologies for the automation of cattle feeding are good for the animals and allow the farm to cut down on waste, reduce workloads and diesel consumption. At EIMA 2022, the focus is on automated cattle sheds that also improve production quality

Stories of heroic agriculture in the minor islands

They are splendid natural paradises, destinations for international tourism, but also places where cultivating the land is extremely difficult, first and foremost due to isolation. But it is precisely from the 55 minor Italian islands that an additional stimulus arrives for agricultural machinery manufacturers to design equipment capable of operating even in hostile conditions

Agriculture 4.0, continues to grow

The estimates of the Smart Agrifood Observatory presented at EIMA International. Agriculture 4.0 in Italy is worth 1.6 billion in turnover and covers 6% of cultivated agricultural land. Digital in agriculture is also at the centre of other informative and in-depth events

Robots in the fields are not science fiction

In France, the USA and some Eastern European countries they are already at work on farms. But in Italy as well the demand for robots in agriculture is beginning to gain ground in order to increase and improve production, supplementing human labour while reducing environmental impact. The main stumbling block to dissemination still remains safety

Spotlight on agricultural drones

The use of drones in agriculture is now an established practice. Mainly used for the collection of data that are then processed, analysed and combined to perform tasks typical of precision agriculture, aerial drones are now also increasingly used in...

The active management of italian forests

As part of the EIMA Energy bioenergy exhibition, in-depth meetings were held on the productive and eco-sustainable management of forests. The spotlight was on a Italian Ministry of Agriculture project within the framework of the Development and Cohesion Fund

Agriculture and energy, a strategic synergy

An interesting initiative, within the framework of EIMA International, was the one organised by Itabia in close collaboration with Enea, on the topic 'Agrivoltaics, digital innovation and mechanisation'. The agrifood system as a whole must address the issues of decarbonisation...

EIMA Energy: biomass and ecological transition

A workshop on the H2020 project 'BRANCHES', which enhances good practices in this bioenergy sector, was held as part of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery in Bologna

Contractor Driver Trophy, agro-mechanics competing

EIMA International 2022 has seen the debut of a new event. It is the prize for the best contractor driver of mechanical equipment, promoted by New Business Media. Over the five days of the event, the best drivers competed in speed and skill tests

A pact with agricultural colleges for skills development

An agreement for the training of young entrepreneurs and workers in the sector between the network of agricultural colleges, FederUnacoma, Cia, Agia, and Agricoltura è Vita was signed at the agricultural machinery show

EIMA, the key role of training for agriculture 4.0

Continuous training for the development of the new skills required at the centre of a conference promoted by Maschio Gaspardo. Made in Italy also enhanced through the most modern digital technologies. Supply chain agreements extended to the world of large-scale organised distribution. The challenge of productivity

Horn of Africa, irrigation technologies against the climate crisis

The consequences of global warming are hitting Central and East African countries particularly hard and are aggravating an already difficult economic situation. In order to tackle the emergency, it is essential to secure and upgrade irrigation systems, focusing on technologies adapted to local realities

EIMA 2022, the best ever

The 45th edition of the world exhibition of agricultural machinery closes with the extraordinary number of 327,100 visitors, which improves the record of 2018 (317,000) and establishes itself as a top event on the international scene. Rendez-vous in Bologna, for the next edition, from 6 to 10 November 2024

EIMA International, a collective heritage

The pandemic led to an evolution in the international exhibition sector, setting new criteria for competitiveness. Events that are useful in economic and strategic business are rewarded by visitors. EIMA International reflects and anticipates sector trends

MEPs at EIMA: a policy for specialised crops

A delegation of ten parliamentarians visited the agricultural machinery exhibition. A conference, a guided tour and a round table were the programme of an event that highlighted the role of fruit and vegetable crops, which are increasingly important for the market and the profitability of the primary sector

Tractor of the Year, the winners of the four categories

The Fendt 728 Vario is the tractor of the year 2023. The prestigious prize by the Italian tractor magazine Trattori was awarded by an international jury of industry experts, who revealed the name of the winner on 9 November on...

Digital marketing and agrinfluencers at the heart of EIMA 2022

The techniques and languages of digital communication, those typical of social networks, are conquering an increasingly important space also in the agricultural and agro-mechanical sector. At EIMA International experts and content creators discussed the topic

EIMA, 'global' mechanisation

The 45th edition of the world exhibition of mechanics for agriculture, landscaping and related components opens in Bologna. Over 1,500 industries will be present, representing 40 countries, and about 300 thousand visitors are expected from every continent. New products, advanced technologies, futuristic solutions to face the great challenges of modern agriculture

EIMA, a 'driver' for innovation

Members of the political, scientific and business worlds celebrated the Technical Innovation award at EIMA 2022. Research and technological development are the basis of competitiveness in the agro-mechanical sector. The role of production districts and the partnership between universities and businesses. Innovation as a driving force in an increasingly competitive exhibition market

Bologna, a global hub for agricultural machinery

Exhibitors from 40 countries, visitors expected from 160 nations, official ICE delegations from 80 countries: these are the credentials of the international exhibition of agricultural machinery scheduled in Bologna from 9 to 13 November. An entire pavilion dedicated to business-to-business meetings, and a programme that includes "focus" days and informative events to encourage the meeting between demand and supply of technologies for every model of agriculture

EIMA 2022, the events on the programme

As the event approaches, the calendar of events and thematic in-depth analyses taking place over the five days from 9 to 13 November takes shape. The 45th edition of the Bologna event promises to be very rich in content: in the foreground, in addition to workshops, conventions and technical seminars, major political issues and scenario analyses. The climate emergency and 4.0 technologies will also be at the centre of the exhibition

Tractor of the Year, rendez-vous in Bologna

The event that rewards the best tractor of the year is scheduled to take place at the EIMA in November. Award ceremony on the first day of the exhibition and dynamic show of the finalist models in the large arena set up inside the exhibition centre

EIMA International, green and Mediterranean

The next edition of the international exhibition of agricultural machinery, which takes place in Bologna, was presented in Foggia. The "Green" exhibition dedicated to machinery and equipment for gardening and landscaping was confirmed, and will also include a demo section. Conferences and seminars focusing on specialised crops and the agricultural economy of the Mediterranean area are in the pipeline
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EIMA 2022, a global experience

The 45th edition of the international exhibition of agricultural machinery was presented in Verona. Very positive feedback in terms of bookings and demand for exhibition areas. Very intense promotional activity abroad and numerous innovations, from informative areas for the Digital sector to field tests of gardening machines. Innovation always in the foreground, with a pre-EIMA day entirely dedicated to the presentation and award ceremony of the Technical Innovation Contest

Asproflor, travelling through Italy

The RinascItalia Tour, the initiative created by Aproflor to promote 'Comune Fiorito' ['Community in Bloom'] certification in Italian municipalities, started on 4 February in Turin. Asproflor is the association of Italian floriculturists and for 15 years has been promoting the...

Engines ready for the "green revolution"

Vehicles powered by environmentally friendly fuels are already a reality for tractor engine manufacturers. The central role of innovation in view of the likely breakthroughs to be made by Brussels to reduce C02 emissions

Mech@griJOBS, training in the spotlight

Despite the restrictions imposed by the health emergency, the vocational orientation meetings held at EIMA International as part of the Mech@griJOBS project were successfully concluded. More than 160 students took part in the training initiatives held from 19 to 23 October at the Bologna Exhibition Centre

The Groundsman, the professional of the sports fields

During of EIMA International, a training project was presented for those who have to take care of green areas in sports facilities. Set up by the Grassmed association, the training project aims to achieve recognition of this professional role, on a par with what has been happening abroad for years

Fidenza, the "green dream"

The vast gardening and forestry project of the Emilian municipality was presented at EIMA. In just a few years 175,000 square metres of new urban greenery were created, of which over 46,000 covered by woodland. New projects are in the pipeline for a city that aims at full sustainability also in the energy and mobility fields

Green design: the Petra Gardens

The culture of greenery and gardens conquers spaces at the Modena Antiques Fair, where from 5 to 13 February 2022 the works of 15 European designers called to share experiences and skills with their installations will be on display. In November the call for entries for the competition - announced during EIMA in Bologna - is open to architects, agronomists and landscape architects, and promoted by Fondazione Biohabitat and Aiapp, together with Fiera di Modena

Digital innovation, a strong theme at EIMA 2021

Agriculture 4.0 and latest-generation technologies in the spotlight at the Bologna exhibition, where EIMA Digital is reporting growing interest. There are many meetings promoted by institutions, research bodies and publishing houses

EIMA, stronger than anything

The world exhibition of agricultural machinery closed in Bologna with extraordinary results. The "EIMA people" overcame the post-Covid uncertainties and consecrated the exhibition as a leading event in the trade exhibition landscape. Certified data released by FederUnacoma and BolognaFiere indicate 270,700 visitors, 25,900 of whom from abroad. A great success for an event that will return in November 2022 and then resume its natural biennial schedule

A policy for mechanisation

In the foreground at EIMA International, political issues related to the agricultural machinery sector. During its five days, the event was attended by the agricultural councillors of all Italian regions, a delegation of Italian parliamentarians, a delegation of Euro-parliamentarians and the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Manlio Di Stefano representing the Government

TOTY, the spectacle of technology

The TOTY Tractor of the Year awards were presented on the first day of EIMA. Four winners in the various categories. The finalists paraded in the open-air arena specially created inside the Bologna exhibition centre

Mechanisation, the Club of Bologna celebrates its 30th meeting

Sustainable growth of agricultural mechanisation, market scenarios, innovative machines and technologies for highly specialised crops. These are the main topics covered during the meetings of the Club of Bologna, the international organization composed of top experts in the sector which...

Agricultural machinery, the alliance between universities and companies

At the 44th edition of EIMA, the international exhibition of agricultural and gardening machinery, collaboration between universities and companies has been strengthened for the development of research and innovation in mechanics

EIMA International, agricultural machinery on track

1,350 exhibiting industries, 350 of which from abroad, are expected in Bologna from 19 to 23 October for the 44th edition of EIMA International. The great exhibition of agricultural machinery, the only one in the sector scheduled for this year, is back in-person after the closures dictated by the health emergency

Telescopic handlers in the spotlight

EIMA International showcases the best technologies for every type of machine and every type of work. Moreover, the Bologna event is also an opportunity to monitor the development trends of the various categories of vehicles. Among these, the telescopic handler...

Operating machines, a strong point of EIMA International

Among the major agricultural machinery exhibitions, EIMA International is the one that offers the widest choice of operating machines and equipment. These vehicles for working the soil, treating crops, harvesting and transporting produce, irrigation and livestock farming - located in...

A milestone for agricultural machinery

A survey conducted by GRS for FederUnacoma confirms the confidence of manufacturers in trade fairs and in particular in the Bologna event. Brand positioning and relations with professional operators are the elements that most motivate companies to participate. "EIMA is an irreplaceable platform for the development of our sector," declared FederUnacoma General Director Simona Rapastella

Official delegations from 70 countries

Thanks to close cooperation with the ICE Agency, the international agricultural machinery exhibition will be able to welcome business operators from all over the world, in compliance with the differentiated safety protocols established by the health authorities for groups of countries. Business-to-business meetings will be held in a new facility at the Volvo Congress Center adjacent to the exhibition centre and connected to Hall 19

TOTY, the finalists' show at EIMA

The 44th edition of the Bologna-based event will host the Tractor of the Year awards ceremony and feature a "parade" of the fourteen finalist models. A new outdoor arena will be set up to present the competing machines. The Tractor competition is pushing the sector towards increasingly advanced technologies

EIMA Green, gardening in the spotlight

The appointment with the exhibition, one of EIMA International’s areas of specialization, falls at a very favourable time for the gardening market. Having closed the first half of 2021 with record growth (+33%), the sector is set to confirm its good performance in the second half as well. The Bologna event, where all types of gardening machinery and equipment will be on show, is a driving force for the entire sector

EIMA Digital, the 4.0 showcase

The market for advanced electronics for agriculture has grown fivefold in the last four years and is set to increase even more thanks also to the system of incentives for the digital transition. The EIMA Digital, exhibition as part of the 44th EIMA International (October 19-23, 2021), showcases the most innovative technologies and offers a programme of events on the subject produced in collaboration with universities and the AEF world association

EIMA Idrotech, the sustainable use of water resources

About 250 exhibiting industries have confirmed their presence at the Idrotech Show, one of the specialised areas of EIMA International (Bologna 19-23 October). The most advanced technologies for the use of water in agriculture will be on display at the exhibition. Conferences and seminars on water emergencies also in relation to climate change are also scheduled
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EIMA: dates and programmes for 21-22

The organisation of the 44th EIMA, scheduled to take place at BolognaFiere from 19 to 23 November, proceeds with the definition of a timetable for the participation of companies. Meanwhile the dates have already been set for the 2022 edition, which will resume its traditional place in even-numbered years: 9/13 November

Technical Innovations: the winners of the "second round"

Innovation will, once again, be the key theme of EIMA International, the great exhibition of agricultural mechanics that will take place in Bologna next 19 to 23 October. Organized by FederUnacoma, the Italian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, the Bologna...

EIMA International, appointment in October

The agricultural machinery exhibition, organized by FederUnacoma at the Bologna exhibition centre, will be held from 19 to 23 October 2021. The choice was guided by the health emergency and the complex needs linked to the trade exhibition calendar and the seasonality of the work processes. From November 2022 the Exposition will return to its normal frequency

EIMA International, a "personalized" plan for health safety

BolognaFiere and FederUnacoma establish a "Technical Group of Safety Experts" in preparation for the world exhibition of agricultural machinery, which will take place from 3 to 7 February 2021. In addition to the health protocols already required for all exhibition events, EIMA International implements additional initiatives that take into account the specific characteristics

Club of Bologna, history and innovation

The Club of Bologna returns to EIMA both for the November 2020 preview and the “physical” showcase of February 2021. The 30th meeting and the Pellizzi Prize are at the centre of these initiatives

News from fair: EIMA International “doubles”

The great event presenting machines and equipment for agriculture and green area maintenance responds to the health emergency and moves its 44th edition from mid-November 2020 to early February 2021. However, the November rendezvous is not cancelled, turning instead into a digital mega-event, an absolute innovation in the history of the industry’s showcases

EIMA 2020, the event showcase

Now in its 44th edition, EIMA International - the showcase of machinery, equipment and technological systems for agriculture and green area maintenance promoted by FederUnacoma and scheduled in Bologna from 11 to 15 November - confirms its place as an...
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EIMA International an army of apostles

A comparative survey was presented during the annual FederUnacoma assembly on the performances of the major agricultural machinery exhibitions at the international level. In comparison with the SIMA in Paris, the Bologna exhibition shows better indices on all the parameters considered. The segment of the so-called "apostles" (86.2%) is remarkably high as far as EIMA is concerned, that is to say those operators who are so convinced of the validity of the event that they are active supporters participating in the construction of the event's good reputation

Alpha by Pellenc, a prize-winning range

Presented at EIMA 2018 and awarded a Technical Mention, the new Alpha range of professional tools with integrated battery by Pellenc includes a powerful and well-balanced lawn trimmer and rod hedge trimmer. One of the main features of the new...

News from BCS, L80N takes the field

Presented as a world preview at EIMA 2018, the high-end L80N equal-wheeled tractor from the BCS Group are now in production and ready for market launch. Offered in the three models BCS Vithar L80N, Ferrari Thor L80N and Pasquali Mars...

Campagnola turnover: 14 million achieved

Focusing on the development of electromechanical technologies, without abandoning the core business of pneumatic equipment. This is the objective that the Bologna company Campagnola (the headquarters are in Zola Predosa), specializing in tools for pruning and harvesting olives, has set...

Global exposition of machinery, a guide for the issues

The 2018 edition of EIMA International has planned a heavy schedule of conferences and meetings trained on technologies, the economy and current policies in the primary sector. The safety of mechanical means, digitalization of agriculture, management of water resources and young farmers are the principal issues to be taken up during the exposition coming up as a great promotion and commercial event also featuring time for information and cultural considerations

EIMA 2018, a new landscape in the Bologna Trade Fair

The 43rd edition of the agricultural mechanization will feature the launch of Pavilions 28-29 and 30 and the format for decor will make it easier to recognize the theme salons. Strong video panels in the exposition grounds will signal orientation for the visitors expected to arrive from 150 countries

EIMA 2018, a truly global event

Visitors from 150 countries are expected to arrive for the agricultural mechanization exposition along with official delegations from 70 countries through the organization of FederUnacoma and ICE, the Italian Trade Agency. Some 400 business people in the delegations will take part in business-to-business meeting with the exhibiting industries set up according to the merchandise categories of interest, with a special focus on Sub Saharan Africa, Asia and the Balkans

EIMA innovation contest: winning technologies

On show in Bologna will be brand new machinery and devices selected and named for awards by a jury of experts. The technologies entered in the competition reach across all compartments, from tractors to implements and components. This year, the the exhibition of prize winning technologies will be shown with a new format to include information on increasing reality, which means a telephone system allowing access to the additional contents for descriptions of each single model on display of the way they work in operational settings

Biomass, a strong point for the circular economy

The residues left after agricultural and agro-industries operations work are sources for generating energy and these prospects are becoming more important. The development of this supply chain requires efficient and integrated mechanization as is emerging in the technologies exhibited in the EIMA Energy Salon and through the program of public meetings to enliven the spirit of the five days of the Bologna exposition

EIMA M.i.A. at the center of defending the land

The EIMA M.i.A. Salon features four theme areas, for an interactivities monitors, video displays, conferences and impressive furnishings. The salon is running from November 7 to 11 in Pavilion 18 II in the Bologna trade fair, an initiative organized by Bio Habitat and Biodiversity.Bio in the setting of EIMA International

EIMA 2018, the great agricultural machinery event

The layout is almost completed for assigning stands to the manufacturing industries exhibiting, now arriving for the trade fair confirmed as a global pinnacal for the huge array of quality technologies. Exhibitors from 49 countries and business people from 150 countries are expected to come to underscore the international standing of the event prepared for a public of visitors certain to exceed the record number registered for the most recent edition

Bologna Fair Green Areas

The EIMA Green Salon dedicated to gardening and groundskeeping technologies is set for EIMA International. Some 300 manufacturers from 13 countries will exhibit their products in the context of a market in growth in Italy in the first half of the year following increasing demand also around Europe in 2017

Salon Energy: mechanical means for bioenergy

A salon dedicated to technologies for the management of biomass for energy purposes will run for EIMA International. High profiles will be given to new technologies, new generation models and demonstration trials along with conferences and training seminars. The partner organization, the Italian Biomass Association, ITABIA, has recalled that the European Union is aiming to extend renewable energy sources to account for 32% of electric, heating and transport consumption by 2030

EIMA 2018, a young trade fair

The international exposition of agricultural mechanization is planning events and information initiatives dedicated to young farmers, agrarian students and members of the new generation as candidates for jobs in the agricultural machinery sector. The EIMA International agenda includes the national assembly of the AGIA Agricultural Association, the Mech@grJjobs program, the Campus Area and information meetings sponsored by the Ministry for Economic Development
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An ideas factory for EIMA 2018

FederUnacoma organized a day of work in Reggio Emilia dedicated to analyses and proposals for further strengthening the international agricultural machinery exposition scheduled for next November 7 to 11 in Bologna. Taking part in the event were 140 FederUnacoma industries representatives which enlivened work on agriculture 4.0, the agro-food supply chain, the components and gardening sector and new criteria for furnishing the trade fair quarters
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EIMA International, the new features trade fair

The 43rd international agricultural machinery exposition set for November 7 to 11 at the Bologna Trade Fair quarters came up for presentation in Verona. There are expectations of new record numbers for the review claiming second place in the world for the number of manufacturers exhibiting and visitors arriving and ranked first for internationalization. Among the new features planned is the Idrotech Salon dedicated to irrigation and water management and the inauguration of new Pavilions 29 and 30, the first built through the ambitious program for restructuring the exposition quarters

EIMA International, triumph of mechanics

The great event dedicated to agricultural mechanization, that attracted to Bologna trade fair business operators from 140 countries, ended with the record number of 285,000 visitors. A huge number of business meetings and an increasing media interest for an exhibition which is by far one of the biggest events devoted to green and agriculture

Tractor of the Year: the protagonists in Bologna

Case IH Optum 300 CVX as “Tractor of the Year 2017”, New Holland T5.120 as “Best Utility,” Antonio Carraro Tony 9800 TR as a “Best of Specialized” and Deutz Fahr 6215 RCshift as “Best of Design.” These are the machines...

Digital agriculture: innovation on the net

A survey carried out by Image Line and Nomisma was presented at EIMA International, regarding the use of internet information and electronic technologies by farmers and subcontractors. Increasing the use of specific "apps"

Sustainable agriculture, in the foreground

Eco-compatible mechanization was one of the major topics at EIMA International 2016, debate in various initiatives, took place during the exhibition. Among these, there was the conference entitled "Agriculture and sustainability. Innovation, more responsible management of resources and new behaviours". Promoted by LifeGate and Trattori magazine, the meeting took stock of the sustainability evaluation criteria in the use of mechanical means

Football fields: technology 2.0

A technical meeting took place within EIMA International on maintenance of sporting facilities. Quality of turf has become a requirement for good performance, aesthetics and overall entertainment experience

Flowered towns at EIMA 2016

The Miss Municipalities in Flower and the Municipality in Flower in Italy awards were presented at the competition held during the agricultural and gardening machinery exposition. The multi-color event brought to mind that gardening machinery and equipment are instruments becoming ever more perfected to achieving green culture at all levels

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