Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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Year 2023 Number 7-9


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Agricultural machinery: turnover of Italian industries on the rise

Demand for tractors, operating machinery, equipment and components remains at good levels, but turnover is growing beyond all expectations due to the sharp rise in prices. The value of Italian exports increases by 16.7% and pushes national production to 15.5 billion euro
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The Italian market holds in the first half of the year, declines expected in the second half

Sales figures show a drop for tractors and growth for other types, but registrations partly refer to vehicles booked in 2022. The 4.0 incentives, which have greatly boosted purchases in recent years, are running out
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Mariateresa Maschio president of FederUnacoma

The CEO of Mascar, Mariateresa Maschio, is the Federation's first female president. Elected last 3 July, she takes over from Alessandro Malavolti, who has led the association for the past six years. The senior positions of the associations that are part of FederUnacoma were also renewed
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FederUnacoma, an international vision

The report on activities, which are increasingly oriented towards foreign countries, was presented at the General Assembly. Promotional missions and collective exhibitions in America, Africa and Asia, and a growing commitment to incoming foreign businesspeople at Italian exhibitions. Economic studies and dissemination activities for emerging markets and technical dossiers aimed at EU regulations were part of the federations's work in 2022 and are already planned for the current year
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Agricultural mechanisation, global market variables

On 3 July, as part of the FederUnacoma Generale Assembly, a conference was held on 'Beyond the economic situation: planning activities, planning investments'. At the centre of the speeches were the challenges posed to agro-mechanical companies by the new economic-productive structures created by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine
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The agriculture to come: FAO trends for the 2023-2032 decade

Global agricultural production is estimated to grow by 1.1% over the next years. According to FAO and OECD, this increase will not compensate for the growth in demand (+1.3% by 2032). Productivity, innovation and decarbonisation the key factors for ensuring food security

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