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Demand for tractors, operating machinery, equipment and components remains at good levels, but turnover is growing beyond all expectations due to the sharp rise in prices. The value of Italian exports increases by 16.7% and pushes national production to 15.5 billion euro
The most recent free trade agreements signed by the EU with non-European countries provide a simplification of customs procedures for European companies. This is achieved thanks to the figures of the authorized exporter and the exporter registered to the REX system
'International Sanctions, Export Control and Compliance Programmes' is the title of a text, produced by lawyers Antonio de Capoa and Dario Gorji Varnosfaderani with FederUnacoma, to support Italian companies in their foreign trade activities by offering a comprehensive overview of the international trade restrictions in force, and an overview of the main operational tools to be adopted to avoid risks in foreign transactions
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Italian exports continue to grow in 2022, recording a percentage increase of 15 points between January and November compared to the same period in 2021. United States, France and Germany remain the main importers of Italian agricultural machinery
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The value of Italian production of machinery for agriculture, green care and related components will grow to EUR 13.7 billion in 2021. The made-in-Italy production is driven largely by foreign demand, which leads to a growth in our exports of 20.5% in 2021, and 9.7% in the first quarter of this year. Soaring production costs, however, risk slowing down current production rates and also affecting the list prices of machinery on the market
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EU measures launched following Russia's aggression against Ukraine do not only concern the direct export of products, including machinery, but also the shipment to countries that do not adhere to sanctions and can therefore triangulate goods towards the Russian Federation. The insertion of clauses in contracts to ensure that goods are not subject to restrictions is of particular importance
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Global growth in the agricultural machinery market is also driving Italian exports, which are up 20.8% in the tractor segment and 19.8% in the operating machinery and equipment segment. 2022 has many unknowns, mainly related to the consequences of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine
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From 1st January this year, the new customs procedures following Brexit come into effect. Instead of the previous legislation, which allowed those exporting to the UK to prepare the customs declaration within six months of crossing the border, the new provision requires EU companies to deliver the complete documentation already at the time of the introduction of the goods into UK territory
The trade benefits with free trade countries are substantial. To date, the European Union has concluded 46 such treaties involving 78 countries. The 'declaration' is a key step in the customs procedure
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Italian exports - outline Manlio Di Stefano, Undersecretary of State at Ministry of Foreign Affairs - returned to growth in the first six months of the year. At the base of this surge, which has involved also the agro-mechanical sector is not only the ability of Italian companies to propose highly innovative solutions but also the new strategy for promoting Italian products, with a stronger role for the Farnesina. Asean and Asia are the most interesting markets for our companies
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The Authorized Economic Operator is a certification that attests to the reliability of the company operating in foreign markets. Quality requirements and compliance with Customs, legal and financial regulations facilitate procedures and give the company a competitive advantage over competitors who do not have the same certificate
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The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) signed between the EU and the UK last December provides for the elimination of duties and customs quotas in trade between the two blocs. But this only applies to goods with 'preferential origin' in the EU or the UK
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The agreement in support of the export
and development of SMEs in the sector has been renewed. The agreement provides for the organization of webinars on internationalization, participation in B2B meetings, and the presence of SACE at industry exhibitions organized by FederUnacoma
Almost thirty years have passed since the adoption of the export legislation but many operators remain convinced that export control refers only to the export of military goods. It is, therefore, necessary to have a correct picture of the requirements that businesses are bound to follow not to incur heavy financial penalties
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Italian production of tractors, other machinery for agriculture, gardening and associated components brought in sales valued at € 11 billion in 2017. The largest share was assigned to exports which reach a value estimated at about € 7.5 billion
The Italian production is on the increase thanks to exports. Sales of tractors, transporters, combine harvesters and trailers on national territory still on the decline. The Emilia Romagna and Sicily Regions were bucking the trend with gains in sales of tractors whereas Lazio and Tuscany reported downturns greater than the national average. The sound trend of exports offset the domestic market crisis and led to the outlook of increasing production overall for the full year
Recovery over the past three years is being followed by a decline in tractor sales in the Russian Federation where, however, units moved in 2013 came close to 40,000. The Russian machinery inventory is obsolete and not up to the requirements of modern and competitive farming