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Greenhouse gas emissions and agriculture: the "AgriCare" project

Agriculture plays an important role in contrasting the dangerous effects of greenhouse gas emissions. It has been calculated that greenhouse gas accounts for, directly and indirectly, about one third of the total CO2 emissions. The LIFE AgriCare projects stands out among the research activities on the best agronomic techniques, which covers all phases of tillage and also involves equipment manufacturers. The research was carried out in collaboration with Veneto Agricoltura, Enea, the Padova University and the firm Maschio Gaspardo

Supply chain technologies in the "energy" area

The use of residues from crops and forests as energy sources is an ancient and a natural practice, especially in rural areas. The new technologies for coverting biomass into energy – representing the core of the EIMA Energy salon – allow more efficient energy outputs and ensure sustainability in the supply chain

Biomass for India, a winning choice

In India, where most of the population lives in small villages, the ability to create the conditions for widespread production of electricity from renewable sources at a local level is a winning choice. In the specific case of energy from...

Climate change: towards a "global" agreement

The Paris World Conference on the climate emergency involving 196 countries is about to open. The reduction of greenhouse gases is a fundamental objective not only to preserve the balance of the ecosystem but also to contain the phenomena of immigration, related to the deterioration of environmental conditions in the various regions of the planet, which are expected to reach a huge scale

The state of the art of bioenergy in Europe

Published in October, the "European Bioenergy Outlook" report produced by AEBIOM is a guideline instrument for proper strategic planning. The study shows clearly that from 2000 to 2013 the production of primary energy, fell by 16%. In the same period the contribution of renewable energy sources has doubled, going from 97 to 192 Mtoe, of which 2/3 are attributable to bioenergy. This trend demonstrates the significant potential of RES that today stand as the main local resources

Biomethane, an emerging sector

All the premises are in place in Italy for substantially reducing imports of natural gas of fossil origin. The production of bio-methane from organic solid wastes of agricultural and integrated crop origins is promising opportunities for curbing climate changing emissions, creating new jobs and fostering growth and innovation in agriculture and industry

Bioenergy: meeting in Bologna on the way to Paris

Renewable energy sources and bioenergy in particular will return as current issues in 2015 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris taking up the reduction of emissions. Itabia and FederUnacoma used the occasion of EIMA International to pursue a debate and open comparisons of planning instruments on these issues of renewable energy sources and the prospects of exporting to countries abroad the models for the development of the sector planned and fine turned in Italy

Bioenergy: policy agenda in Italy and in Europe

Europe is looking to the 2030 consolidation of the idea of a future economy increasingly attentive to environmental questions. The new objectives set by the European Council for the use of FER, energy efficiency and climate-altering gas emissions mark a further but slight acceleration towards a green economy. The worlds of research and industry are intensifying the dialogue for a change of pace for opening new horizons in the field of the bioeconomy. These are issues which will be given thorough treatment on the occasion of EIMA Energy

Renewable: Italy sets good examples

For years European Union policy has been orienting Member States towards the progressive decarbonization of the economy and finally now the results are becoming evident in many production sectors. Italy, not without difficulty and contradictions, has achieved a patrimony of experience which can launch new forms for the market nationally as well as abroad
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Agroenergies do not have to pay income tax rebates

Article 22 of the Decree Law no 66 dated April 24, aims to modify the income taxation deriving from the production and sale of renewable energies – agroforestry and photovoltaic systems – in order to raise funds for the €80 increase in the salaries of many Italians. For agricultural entrepreneurs it will imply a remarkable increase in taxation, putting at risk the stability of their companies

Environment and energy: an international award to Vito Pignatelli

The President of the Biomass Association Itabia has received the award "Il Monito del Giardino" (The Warning from the Garden) for the activity of research and promotion in the field of bio-energy. The prize money will be reinvested in promotional activities for the sector

Bioenergy: the decisive role of communication

There is increasing talk of informed consumers, who with their choices and expectations can contribute significantly to a global project for sustainable development. To achieve this it is necessary to disseminate adequately the knowledge gained, which does not always reach civil society at large because of the complexity of scientific, technical and juridical language. The recent decree for the development of biomethane could be in this sense a first testing ground

Bioenergy: a sector plan being considered by the Ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture has entrusted Itabia with the task of drawing up a basic document for the development of energy from agricultural raw materials. Made in agreement with the professional agricultural organizations, the Plan aims to ensure a proper valuation of the resource biomass, financially support farmers and harmonize the regulatory system

Environmental degradation: a strategic plan for the environment and energy

The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, presented an extensive programme aiming at combining soil protection, renewable energy sources and employment. The recent disaster in Sardinia show the nedd and urgency of an organic intervention

Change for conservation. Energy and innovation needed

Eliminating wastes or limiting them to the utmost, optimizing the efficiency of production cycles, reducing recourse to fossil fuels to the minimum. These are the basics for the sustainable development of our planet. After five years of economic crisis the sectors of renewables and agriculture are sending out clear signals of economic vitality in the framework of widespread recession. In such a complicated economic setting, biomass is shaping up as a highly interesting resource capable of involving numerous areas in the agro-forestry, industrial and services sectors across the boards

A new "Horizon" for mechanical enterprises

A new group of work has been created in order to evaluate the opportunities given by the European programme "HORIZON 2020", that offers conspicuous funds for research and innovation to enterprises

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