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Tractor sales in Europe fall in 2023

The "old continent" ended 2023 with a total of 158,000 tractors sold, marking -5% on the previous year. France, Germany and England are holding up, while Italy, Poland and Spain are registering double-digit liabilities. No significant turnarounds expected for 2024

Agrievolution, an alliance at the service of global agro-mechanics

The Steering Committee of Agrievolution, the international alliance of agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturers’ associations from Argentina, China, Korea, France, Japan, Iran, and again the United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Turkey, the United States, plus the European Cema Committee, met in...
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Tractors, India grows. Technical decline for other countries

In a 2022 characterised by the raw material crisis and the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, all major world markets are reporting a drop in tractor sales. The drop is caused by cyclical factors, against a demand that continues to be lively. India bucked the trend, touching new records
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Tractors, European market down at the start of the year

After a strongly profitable 2021, the first quarter of the new year saw a slight contraction for the European tractor market, which lost 5.3%. Nevertheless, demand for agricultural machinery continues to remain at high levels. War in Ukraine, rising raw material prices, and logistics problems are the main unknowns for the coming months
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Agricultural machinery, global market recovers

Data provided by the manufacturers' associations indicate sales increases in all the main areas of the world. Tractors grew in Europe by an average of 16.6%, with peaks in Italy (+36%) and Poland (+43%). The market is still dynamic in the current year, but with the uncertainties linked to the strong increase in the costs of raw materials and fuels
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Market at its peaks in the first half of 2021

Europe ended the first half of the year with 25% growth compared to the same period in 2020. All European countries are in the black. The raw material crisis is weighing on the market, but demand remains high
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Agricultural machinery, market at top performance with the commodity uncertainty

Between January and August, sales grew in all the main markets. In Italy, tractor registrations were up 45% compared to 2020, driven by the digitalisation of the primary market. Raw material trends weigh on future trends
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Digital technologies for sustainable agriculture

Investing in technology and innovation is the only possible way to produce enough quality food while respecting the environment. This goal requires political commitment and a strong CAP. These are the conclusions of the annual Cema summit dedicated to the near future of the EU primary sector

Tractor market: recovery expected in the second half of the year

The European agricultural machinery market closes the first six months of 2020 in the red. The contributing factors are the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, which made themselves felt especially between the months of March and May. According to CEMA, a trend reversal is possible in the second half of the year
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Stage V, medium powers excluded from the derogation

For low and high powers, the assembling and marketing of machinery with transition motors is postponed to 2021. The trade associations’ request for a postponement also for the medium powers, was only partially accepted
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Tractors, European market growing in 2019

Positive closing balance for the tractor market, which concludes 2019 with an increase of 5% over 2018. The medium-low power ranges, which account for 52% of the more than 191 thousand vehicles sold last year, are growing. The coming months are overshadowed by a great uncertainty: the unknowns linked to the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic
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Soil processing, a market that grew by 5%

Positive trend in 2018 of the market for the "implements". Soil processing machines, fertilizer spreaders, and seeders recorded a strong growth compared to the previous year, while the sales of precision seeders and equipment for crop protection had a slight decrease. 2019 should also remain at these levels
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Positive trend for global market

After the peak reached in 2017, for 2018 Agrievolution and Cema expect a decline in sales, based on the manufacturers' confidence index. The market should remain dynamic in the major countries also due to government support policies. The Russian and French markets are slowing down
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Growth for European tractor and machinery market

Registrations and sales on the increase in Europe in 2017 with good prospects for current year. The Mother Regulation leading to strong gains of tractors in power category of less that 50 Hp
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Europe, market recovering over the year

The agricultural machinery market is showing positive signals for expectations of a general revival in during 2017 in the wake of problems experienced in the most recent seasons. Growth is seen in Germany and the UK whereas the French market is still in decline. For Italy the outlook is for significant growth owing to an overall favorable trend

European policies, "new deal" for agriculture

During the political conference entitled "Agricultural machinery: towards a new European agenda", the European association of agricultural machinery manufacturers CEMA asked for the revision of the relevant communitarian legislation, with regulations and technical requirements tailored not on automotive sector but on agricultural mechanics

Fao and Cema united for mechanization in developing countries

The two organizations signed a protocol of understanding in Rome on October 2nd to provide incentives for agricultural mechanization in developing countries to be sustainable as regards economic, social and environmental considerations. The protocol is also aimed at the improvement of production practices
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Agricultural machinery: markets slowing down in the first quarter 2015

With a sharp drop in sales between January and March 2015 (-14%), the first quarter marks a setback for the European tractor sector. All the key markets of the continent are down. Declines also in the United States, Korea and Canada, while Japan remains on the same levels as in 2104. Meanwhile Turkey continues in its growth
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EU Agriculture: equipment markers urge new guidelines

The EU's farm equipment makers urge a switch to precision farming as one path to ensure improved farm incomes and environmental sustainability
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2015: cautions outlook for Europe's agricultural machinery market

According to CEMA's forecasts for the european market, overall equipment sales are expected to drop by around 5-10%. This decrease, which follows the recent boom in agricultural machinery sales between 2011 and 2013, is expected as a result of the political crisis in Ukraine, lower commodity prices and reduced farmers' income in Europe

European agricultural machinery market takes a breather

Cema is predicting a European market slowdown in 2014 but refers to only a change of pace following on a strongly dynamic period over the past few years. Referring to the deep agricultural machinery market crisis in Italy however, the president of the manufacturers federation, Massimo Goldoni, underscores the risk of weakening the entire national agricultural system
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European Standards in the programme of FederUnacoma

During the Federation directorate, held in Brussels on 24 of September, the issues concerning technical regulations with immediate effect on mechanization sectors were illustrated. The programme of the Federation and Cema, (European Association representing the Agricultural Machinery Industry), had a wide range of topics such as the "Mother Regulation", Isobus as well as tractors exhaust and noise emissions
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"Business Barometer", a downward trend for European enterprises

A survey carried out in cooperation with managers showed a presumable downward trend of domestic market in the months to come, with a reduction of job opportunities. In Hannover is also expected the meeting of Agrievolution, the Global Alliance for the Manufacturing Associations, that will take place in Germany before the general summit in New Dehli in December, during EIMA Agrimach

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