Walvoil, a successful year
2021 ended with great satisfaction for Walvoil spa, the Reggio Emilia-based company that is part of the Interpump group and specialises in hydraulic products, electronics and complete mechatronic systems. At the end of the year, the company received three different awards that recognise the company's commitment to innovation and corporate social responsibility.
The first is the BAQ, the Bollino per l'Alternanza di Qualità, with which Confindustria - with the claim Fabbrichiamo il futuro (Let's build the future) - rewards companies that distinguish themselves in the school/work alternation courses implemented in collaboration with secondary schools and vocational training centres, with a view to aligning labour market supply and demand in Italy.
The second was awarded to the Reggio Emilia-based company by construction equipment giant JCB at the group's Suppliers Conference, held in India last December.
It is an award in the New Product Introduction Programme category "for the rapid and comprehensive development of new products and subsequent rapid contribution to production start-up" for several projects carried out by Walvoil for JCB.
Finally, the third is the Green Supplier Award that the Japanese Kubota group has been giving annually since 2015 to reward suppliers who have distinguished themselves, in accordance with the company's Green Procurement Guidelines, in environmental conservation activities from the point of view of resources and energy saving. Walvoil obtained this recognition in 20221 by virtue of various projects to transform businesses in a sustainable way.