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Agriumbria, a winning formula

“Business and folk festival” is the definition coined by the organisers of Agriumbria to tell the exhibition that opened the spring agricultural fair season with 450 stands, 2,800 brands represented and 600 garments in the sections dedicated to breeding

All the topics of the primary sector at Fieragricola 2024

VeronaFiere hosts Fieragricola, the international exhibition of mechanics, services and products for agriculture and animal husbandry, which registers the participation of 820 exhibitors from 21 countries on an area of 52 thousand square meters. 140 meetings scheduled

Agricultural machinery, the 60th edition of FIMA

Agricultural machinery manufacturers will meet in Zaragoza (Spain) from 13 to 17 February for the 60th edition of FIMA, the first major international trade fair of 2024 dedicated to agricultural technologies. With less than a month to go before the...

RIVE 2023, a successful edition

The viticulture and oenology sector is the protagonist of RIVE, the biennial trade fair event organized by Pordenone Fiere. Technological solutions and services for the sector in the name of innovation, dynamic tests and a rich program of seminars and workshops, organized by a dedicated scientific committee, characterized the event

Umbria 'capital' of the agricultural supply chain

Agriumbria 2023 was held from 31 March to 3 April at the Umbria Fiere exhibition centre, attended by 430 exhibitors on a net area of 30 thousand square metres, with the participation of over 85 thousand visitors. At the heart of the event were products and services for the entire agricultural supply chain, including a wide range of mechanical means and equipment

MAG 2023, agricultural machinery in the spotlight

Farmer Fair is the claim of the exhibition dedicated to agricultural mechanisation that the Fondazione Ente Manifestazioni Savigliano has been organising since the early 1980s in the Cuneo area - historically devoted to agricultural work in the plains, hills and mountains - with the aim of presenting the best technologies available on the market to those working in the sector

Success for the 2022 Agriumbria trade fair

Among the spring agricultural shows, Agriumbria makes a comeback, bringing to life the exhibition spaces of UmbriaFiere with all the latest innovations for primary activities and a large number of professional and amateur visitors

Enoliexpo: vines and olives in the spotlight

Machines and services for oil and wine production at the heart of Enoliexpo, the restart fair for the Levante exhibition centre after the pandemic. Organisers and exhibitors were satisfied with the success of the event. The next appointment is already scheduled for 2024

Savigliano: a new start with innovations and confirmations

Leonardo's Vitruvian man at the centre of a mechanical gear is the new symbol of the exhibition dedicated to agricultural mechanisation in Savigliano, underlining the role of human ingenuity in the creation of the machines and equipment that are the stars of the show, which was set up at the beginning of the 1980s and is a reference point for the sector in north-western Italy

Fiera di Verona, the great agricultural show

Verona hosts the return of Fieragricola, the international exhibition dedicated to the primary sector that since 1898 has narrated the development of this important human activity. 500 exhibitors with agricultural mechanics and zootechnics in the spotlight. A new exhibition dedicated to digital technologies, an outdoor demonstration area and a busy programme of in-depth meetings complete the picture of the exhibition event

The Agritechnica prize for technological innovations

The last edition of Agritechnica, scheduled for next February, has been postponed due to the health emergency to November 2023, from 12 to 18. The competition for technological innovations promoted by the event has nevertheless seen the announcement of the...

RIVE, for successful viticulture

More than 250 company brands and over 8 thousand visitors: these are the figures for RIVE 2021 held in Pordenone from 10 to 12 November. Numerous thematic meetings and field trials enriched the exhibition dedicated to wine growers, wineries, production consortia, oenologists, winemakers and distributors

R.I.V.E, the viticultural exhibition moved to November 2021

The third edition of RIVE, the International Viticulture and Enology Exhibition organized by Pordenone Fiere in partnership with FederUnacoma, moves to the end of 2021. Scheduled from 26 to 28 January next year, the event was postponed to 3, 4...

Fieragricola, a positive balance for the 2020 edition

The Verona event confirms its role as point of reference for European agriculture. With its big numbers in recent years, thanks to the collaboration with ICE Agenzia and FederUnacoma, this event has increased its international character, also by becoming an important meeting and discussion space on the industry’s central topics

Sustainability is at the heart of Fieragricolas 114th edition

Fieragricola’s 114th edition will be held at the Verona fair. The exhibition is spread over 67,600 net square meters, 10 pavilions, and two external demo areas. A great deal of space will be devoted to agricultural mechanization with a calendar rich of conferences and thematic meetings, together with B2B meetings with foreign delegations

EIMA 2020, the event showcase

Now in its 44th edition, EIMA International - the showcase of machinery, equipment and technological systems for agriculture and green area maintenance promoted by FederUnacoma and scheduled in Bologna from 11 to 15 November - confirms its place as an...

Drone-Bee event, flying agriculture

The Agriculture and Wine-growing Mechanization Show in Faenza (March 22-24) highlighted the advantages of using drones in agriculture. Drone-Bee showcases its models and illustrates their technical features

Agriumbria 2019, a technological and popular fair

Highly specialized but still addressing a wide audience, the Bastia Umbra fair, now in its 51st edition, keeps telling about agro-food, animal husbandry and mechanization in technical and commercial terms, maintaining the characteristics of a popular event that looks like a popular party

Savigliano, a renewed success

Over the years, the Savigliano fair on agricultural mechanization, keeps establishing itself as an important sector event. At the heart of the Piedmonts fair, the most innovative products are displayed, with a particular focus on digital technology for quality productions. Competitions, B2B meetings, and thematic in-depth studies have completed the overall picture of the event, held in a region that has several agricultural machinery manufacturers

Lanciano, an exhibition for innovation

The National Agricultural Exhibition of Lanciano (CH) is back in April, and mor eprecisely exactly from 5 to 7. The last two editions had been forward to March. Hosted at the structure of the Lancianofiera Consortium, the event - now...

Agricultural professionals at the Madonnino Exhibition

  The 41st edition of the Madonnino Exhibition, the main event for agricultural operators in Tuscany, will be held from April 25 to 28 at the Grosseto Exhibition Centre (in Braccagni). Established in 1976 with 80 exhibitors and 6,000 square...

Tarquinia Fair, an invitation to agriculture

Using the parameter of the statistical performance of the tractors market, we can to obtain a picture of the agro-mechanical situation of a territory. In the Lazio Region, the estimated tractor fleet, that is of the vehicles in circulation, stands...

Engines ready for Expoagro 2019

Over the years, Expoagro has continued to represent a point of reference in Argentina for the trade in agricultural machinery and equipment. This is edition thirteen of an event that includes large spaces for demonstration tests next to the static exhibition, and is attended by the major world players. Eleven Italian companies are members of the collective organized by ICE Agency in collaboration with FederUnacoma

Specialized and mechanized, Enovitis 2018

The Emilian vineyards of Il Naviglio di Fabbrico (RE) host the dynamic Enovitis in Campo event, which has reached its 23rd edition. Machines and equipment for the various processes necessary for the cultivation of vineyards at work. Among the collateral events, several conferences and the two awards Innovation Challenge and Vote the Tractor

Foggia, innovation and training in the frontline

The territory of Capitanata in Puglia hosts the 69th edition of the Foggia Agricultural Fair, with its 150 exhibitors, an area of 20 thousand square meters and 70 thousand visitors expected. Focus on farmyard animals and cattle breeding The Italian agricultural-mechanical chain led by FederUnacoma has promoted many activities including conventions, 4.0 Agriculture, and tractor licences

Technologies in the spotlight in Tarquinia

251 young people of the Province of Viterbo under the age of 40 (1,278 in the Lazio Region) have been assigned a grant of 70,000 euro for the start-up of new agricultural enterprises, provided for by the measure 6.1 of...

Agriumbria 2018, a historic milestone

The 50th anniversary of Agriumbria is coming up for the Perugia review dedicated to the agrifood sphere with a focus on livestock raising and mechanization. Milktec is a new specialized salon making a debut on machinery and equipment for milking dairy herds and returning are the Permanent Observatory on livestock raising and the consumption of quality meat and the Antonio Ricci award

The guiding themes of the Savigliano exhibition

In addition to the exhibition part, the most topical issues are at centre stage at the Piedmontese agricultural event, now in its 37th edition. In the foreground, the theme of environmental sustainability and the innovations introduced in the sector by the Mother Regulation. The spotlight is on the Technical Innovation Competition and on a rich calendar of cultural initiatives linked to the world of agricultural machinery

Lanciano exhibition, the green of the Adriatic

From Friday 23 March until Sunday 25 in Lanciano, the 57th edition of the National Agricultural Exhibition hosts 220 companies in the five covered pavilions and in the large outdoor spaces of the Teatino exhibition centre.There are 27 product categories...

Vita in Campagna, the great show on hobby farming

The exhibition organized by the Vita in Campagna magazine will be held in Montichiari, in the province of Brescia, from 23 to 25 March. Among the new entries for the 2018 edition, stand out the subject of environmental sustainability and an entire hall dedicated to educational farms

The great events: an appointment in Zaragoza

The 40th edition of the Spanish FIMA Agricultural Trade Fair is coming up with 1,500 manufacturers arriving for the exposition on a 160,000 m2 area allocated for the event. Thirty-six awards will be presented in the traditional New Techniques Competition sponsored for the exposition

Enovitis, high technology for viticulture

The wine sector continues to be one the main protagonists of Italian agriculture. The hills around Verona will be the setting of Enovitis in the Field, the dynamic fair promoted by UIV and VeronaFiere, which will be held June 22 and 23, to showcase

Agriculture and territory: an appointment in Foggia

The agriculture of southern Italy that, in the last few years had a good performance in terms of quality and quantity, is on display in Foggia at the 68th Trade Fair of Agriculture and Livestock. Machinery, technical devices and services are on display in a sector that has still great development opportunities. The focus is on the local hydrogeological disruption and on the possible solutions provided by farms and the mechanical industry

Fiera del Madonnino, a spring appointment for agriculture

The national fair of the Chianina cattle breed is the clue moment of the 39th edition of the Fiera del Madonnino, that will be held in Braccagni, province of Grosseto, from 22 to 25 April. The prestigious animal exhibition, in...

Tarquinia fair: everything for agriculture

The 68th edition of the Tarquinia Agricultural Machinery Fair is scheduled to take place from April 28 to May 1st, in the town near Viterbo. In a two kilometre long area, about 400 companies will exhibit their best products in...

Expoagro, many innovations from Argentina

The latest innovation introduced by Expoagro, the largest Argentinian trade fair is without any doubt the new permanent site of San Nicolas in the province of Buenos Aires that, from this edition on, will turn the travelling exhibition into a...

A historical trade fair for the "Adriatic" agriculture

The 56th edition of the Lanciano National Trade Fair of Agriculture is scheduled in the trade fair centre of Abruzzo from 24 to 26 March. The exhibition, held on a total surface of 60,000 square meters, hosts exhibitors and displays...

Savigliano, technologies for outstanding productions

Agricultural trade fairs in Italy continue to be important occasions to an exchange of information and updating for both professional and amateur farmers and give a wide audience the chance to visit places rich of art and history, with great...

Montichiari, the appeal of "Vita in Campagna"

The training of “farmers for passion” (hobby farmers, part-time farmers, botany and crops enthusiasts) is the background purpose of the trade fair Vita in Campagna, which returns for its seventh edition to Montichiari, in the province of Brescia, from 24...

Agriumbria: winning agriculture in Bastia

"The winning card" is the slogan chosen for the 2017 edition of the Umbrian exhibition, dedicated to agriculture, and scheduled between end of March and first days of April. Wide spaces devoted to agricultural machines and equipment. As from this edition, the Umbrian Trade Fair Center will also promote the Journalist Prize dedicated to Antonio Ricci, the event's historical cooperator, who recently passed away

Agrosalon 2016, a focus on the Russian market

Numerious new developments are coming up in Agrosalon 2016, the most important event in this sector held in the Russian Federation. Arriving in early October, the salon is a platform for forging trade relations with markets in East Europe. Italy will send a strong delegation with 30 manufacturing industries taking part

Enovitis, appointment in Puglia

The Italian wine sector continues to represent an important segment of our economy. Machinery and equipment for vineyard activities are the main characters of Enovitis in Campo, an event scheduled in the province of Bari on June 17 and 18. Room for the sectors linked to olive cultivation, energy from biomass and precision agriculture. Competitions, conferences and workshops are also included in the event, arrived at its tenth edition

The fair of Lanciano for the relaunch of mechanization

Appointment n.55 for the Fair of Agriculture of Lanciano, an update opportunity for all operators of the agricultural sector of the Abruzzo region and its surroundings. On display, the latest models of vehicles and machines for agriculture. A programme of conferences on the main issues of the sectors is scheduled

The Madonnino fair, in the heart of Tuscan agriculture

According to tradition, the Madonnino Fair returns to Grosseto during the Italian Liberation Day holiday. For 38 years now, this trade fair with a strong agricultural connotation has allowed professional and amateur operators to discover the latest innovations of the various sectors on display. Important focus on animal husbandry with dedicated equipment and expositions

Tarquinia, the fair of the "winged horses"

Held in Tarquinia from April 29 to May 1, the 2016 edition of the Fair of Agricultural Machinery – Mostra Mercato Macchine Agricole – is one of the oldest exhibitions dedicated to agricultural mechanization in the Lazio region and is visited annually by approximately 60,000 people. Tractors of all sizes and the most various kinds of equipment for agriculture and gardening are displayed along the roads of the Tyrrhenian town. Space will also be devoted to services for multifunctionality in agriculture, with regard in particular to the production of alternative energy and rural hospitality

Montichiari, the art of living in the countryside

Appointment in Montichiari (Brescia) for all the fans of vegetable gardens and gardens from March 18 to 20, for the sixth edition of the event Vita in Campagna. Among this year's new issues, a salon dedicated to multifunctionality, which stands side by side with the ones dedicated to the management of rural houses and to typical products. Over 100 free classes on "green activities" are being scheduled. The event will be attended by many machinery manufacturers for agriculture and gardening

Agriumbria: technologies and products for the Holiday of Agriculture

Agriumbria will reach the 48th edition of the trade fair set for April 1st to 3rd for professional farmers and the general public arriving for a holiday of flavors, traditions and technologies for learning and experiencing the Italian food supply chain. As customary, livestock raising and agricultural mechanization will be in the foreground with a vast array of farm animals and agricultural machinery and equipment

Technologies and events at the Savigliano exhibition

Agricultural mechanization a leading player in Savigliano, near Cuneo, at the trade fair marking its 35th edition. New Techniques competition, B2B meetings and a heavy schedule on farming incomes, irrigation and precision farming issues. Type approval and new norms for circulation of vintage tractors

Agrishow, the great Latin American event

The numbers are 440,000 m², more than 100 hectares allocated for field trials, 800 brand names exhibiting and 160,000 visitors arriving for the 23rd edition of the Agrishow, Latin America's greatest agricultural machinery and equipment exposition scheduled for April 25th to 29th in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Fourteen Italian manufacturers will be present in a collective organized by the ICE Agency in association with FederUnacoma

Fieragricola, innovative technologies for the primary sector

All is ready for the 112th edition of Fieragricola. An edition with many innovations, the increase of foreign delegations, the strengthening of animal husbandry, the section of drones. The participation of agricultural mechanization stands out with the presence of the most important brands of the sector

FIMA 2016: all novelties from Zaragoza

Launch of the 2016 edition of the Spanish event FIMA with 1,200 exhibitors. Technical innovations and meetings at the centre of the event, that will give 33 awards during the traditional innovation contest. The event will host the 5th National Congress for Rural Develepment dedicated to young people in agriculture. First edition for the FIMA Excellence Award dedicated to farms. FederUnacoma will attend the event with an institutional stand and a press conference

The Italian partecipation at Iran Agri Show

After the recent lifting of the international sanctions, several industries are relaunching economic relations with Iran, with the aim of fully exploiting the business opportunities it has to offer. 20% of the active population is employed in the agricultural sector,...

Fieragricola: a prestigious "preview" with the Eurasco assembly

The 2016 edition of the international exhibition of Verona will be announced with the assembly of the European federation of agricultural fairs, scheduled for February 2. On the organizational front, the news regards the allocation of the pavilions and the arrangement of the product sectors

Fieragricola, at full speed towards the 2016 edition

The international event which will take place in Verona during the first week of February, promises to be a successful edition for the broad participation of exhibitors and the climate of greater confidence shown by the agricultural enterprises. Also at its debut is the "Premio innovazione" (Innovation Award)

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