Information on the mechanization of agriculture, gardening, components and multifunctionality.

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Mechanization for 'heroic' agriculture

Under very difficult environmental conditions, agricultural production is normally managed with a massive reliance on manual labour. Nevertheless, good mechanisation solutions are available, benefiting the profitability of high value-added crops

Mechanisation for phytosanitary defence of 'baby leaf' salads

Plant protection treatments are a key action for the proper development of baby leaf salads. Suitable products and advanced, spraying machines are needed for the best product quality, also with regard to food safety

Agricultural machinery, not everything is steel

Stainless steel, ceramic, tungsten carbide, fiberglass, plastics and even concrete. These are just some of the alternative materials to steel now commonly adopted for the manufacture of parts, equipment, elements, components and accessories of agricultural machinery

Innovative technologies for reducing the use of pesticides

Crop protection treatments performed with sprayers can be less accurate as a result of the drift effect. To address this issue, the manufacturers have developed several technology solutions to optimize treatments

Avocado, papaya, and mango: the new fruits of Southern Italy

Southern Italy is meeting the growing domestic market demand by gradually investing in exotic fruit production, which is being facilitated by softening temperatures. The main mechanized solutions for fruit harvesting

Brackish soils cultivation

Careful varietal selection, proper irrigation and a number of specific techniques make it possible to profitably cultivate even soils with high salt content and brackish water. Soil salinity can compromise the functionality of agricultural machinery

The country logbook, from paper to the cloud

The legislative requirement to record all activities carried out on the farm fosters the development of dedicated software. Such systems, in addition to simplifying data entry and management, improve resource utilization and production traceability

Sensors for precision milking

Sensors implemented on milking plants and robots are a valuable aid to modern livestock farm management. Such sensors ensure not only economic and environmental sustainability but also the safety and quality of barn processing and the final product

Hydraulic pumps, the mechanical heart of irrigation systems

From livestock wastewater treatment to biomass processing to phytosanitary applications and irrigation, hydraulic pumps are critical to a large number of agricultural operations. The different types of models and the jobs for which they are intended

Autonomous agricultural robots, the novelties of manufacturers

Despite several regulatory gaps that risk creating uncertainty among manufacturers, the agricultural sector is increasingly opening up to the use of autonomous machines; they are fundamental to optimise the use of production factors and to improve the sustainability of the primary sector

Cattle, sheep and goat milking plants at various levels of automation

An efficient milking system is essential on all dairy farms, from the smallest and simplest to the largest and most automated. The most suitable technological solution is available for each

Mapping, weeding, harvesting: the role of drones in agriculture

Despite some technical and regulatory issues that have yet to be definitively resolved, real-time monitoring of numerous environmental and crop parameters and selective distribution at variable rates are currently the most successful uses of drones in the agricultural sector. To the benefit of a qualitative improvement and a more effective sustainability of production

The air conditioning of the housing environments

The ventilation of the barn, as well as the maintenance of optimal humidity values, are essential interventions to ensure a good state of health of the animals and, therefore, to guarantee ideal levels of well-being and productivity

Spray booms, innovations that reduce pesticides

Limiting the use of pesticides is essential to protect the environment and human health. Technological innovations in the agro-mechanical field can make a fundamental contribution in this regard, optimising and rationalising the use of plant protection products

Subsoiling and chiselling in conservation agriculture

The deep tillage of soil is a periodic practice, to be carried out selectively, depending on the specific requirements. Sustainable management of agricultural productions involves the use of various equipment, such as subsoilers, chisels and cultivators, aimed at restoring the most suitable physical structure of different agricultural soil horizons

Rationalizing agricultural inputs to improve sustainability

The use of machinery and agricultural inputs inevitably impacts the environment. A study in the red meat production chain shows that, with limited cultivation and machinery-use-related adjustments, tangible benefits can be achieved

The aeroponic cultivation

Soil-less agricultural production methods, such as hydroponics and even more so aeroponics, allow significant savings in water and inputs, including pesticides, thus being compatible with the growing sustainability needs of the primary sector to reduce environmental impact and effectively tackle climate change

Systems for the operational monitoring of agricultural machinery

The technical control of the company's machinery has assumed great importance, both for the traceability of particularly delicate processes, and to allow remote maintenance interventions in real time, resolving situations that would otherwise lead to long periods of machine downtime

Agricultural engines, technological evolution and alternative fuel

While waiting for the complete electrification of agricultural machinery, for several years, the internal combustion engine will still be widely used. To limit the environmental impact, in addition to the application of anti-pollution devices, more sustainable solutions addressing alternative fuels are actually taken into account, also concerning their production

The mechanical treatment of intercrops

When properly managed, intercrops provide agronomic and environmental benefits to the soil. The varietal choice of the crop and the termination technique are of major importance. The growing interest in this practice has led to the development of dedicated equipment

Mechanized harvesting of head salads

Despite competition from fresh-cut vegetables (mainly ready-to-eat leaf salads), head salads are still validly marketed. However, for maximum commercial yield, mechanized harvesting must carefully preserve product quality

Autonomous navigation technologies of robotic lawnmowers

Lawn mowing robots are safe and sustainable machinery, gaining increasing market share. Thanks to Real-Time Kinematic (RTK)technology, which exploits the dynamic networks of the satellite navigation system, these machines can work autonomously

The axles of wheeled agricultural machinery

If tyres are the "shoes," axles can be considered the "legs" of the tractor and other wheeled agricultural machinery. Technical progress has led to the implementation of axles with state-of-the-art performance steering and suspension systems, all to the benefit of vehicle handling and driver’s comfort. And axles equipped with full-electric drive have already appeared on the horizon

Tanks for fuels and lubricants for agricultural use

From the little portable tank to the large underground models, for the farm storage of the fuel for self-propelled agricultural machinery several options are available. To ensure a suitable level of safety in the management of diesel, but also for the best maintenance over time of the tank, a number of provisions must be carefully met

Lubricating oils: where is research headed

Work is being done on fluidity to reduce resistance and thus diesel fuel consumption, but also on tolerance to new fuels. Not forgetting, of course, the biodegradable bases

Contracting is good for the environment

The use of agromechanical contractors for agricultural work is often an obligatory choice. If the machinery's road travel distances are not excessively long, it is a largely sustainable option, because it has been shown to have lower environmental impacts than own-account work

Chippers for every specific requirement

The broad versatility of modern chippers enables them to be profitably used in different work contexts, in all cases, with high productivity and excellent product quality

Satellite guidance systems for agricultural machinery

Precision Agriculture makes it possible to do "the right thing, at the right time, in the right place" by employing machines equipped with appropriate technological systems for field operations. Of particular importance among these are satellite guidance devices

Automatic cattle feeding solutions

Reduced energy and labor costs, increased environmental sustainability, and improved animal health and welfare. These are the multiple benefits offered by so-called "Automatic Feeding Systems"

Mechanization of cultivated mushrooms

From purely manual execution, the harvesting of cultivated mushrooms has evolved through progressive levels of mechanization to fully robotic execution, benefiting productivity and final product quality, particularly in terms of overall cleanliness and absence of contamination

Mechanized olive harvesting. High performance and gentle processing

Increasingly advanced machines have now broken new ground for highly productive and product-friendly harvesting. Synergy with harvesters greatly facilitates the development of technology

Quality and productivity in haymaking using proper mechanization

Timely intervention and the need to reduce losses and preserve forage from pollution with soil or other unwanted materials have driven manufacturers to develop highly productive haymaking machinery equipped with interesting technological solutions

Mechanized maintenance of river banks

The tractor's multifunctionality, and of course, its related implements, involves urban and suburban landscaping manintenance. The bank management of ditches, canals and rivers occupies a prominent role within this activity. In this context, a delicate balance must be maintained between hydraulic safety and environmental protection

The whitening of greens and vegetables

This technique, in addition to light color, gives vegetable species a crisp texture and delicate taste, which increases consumer liking. Different solutions are adopted for the purpose, also in relation to the peculiar characteristics of individual products

Poplar Harvesting: solutions for every production purpose

Poplar has always been exploited for paper and lumber production. However, for several years it has become the species of choice in so-called Short Rotation Forestry, short rotation coppice plantations

The self-propelled agricultural machinery levelling on slope

In order to ensure the necessary stability when working on sloping terrain, combine harvesters, grape harvesters and other implements, especially the self-propelled versions, have adopted various technical solutions to ensure an adequate level of safety against tipping, but also better quality of work

Electronic and digital weight measurement on agricultural machinery

A wide range of sensors is required for data acquisition leading to operational decisions aimed at the application of Agriculture 4.0. Those measuring weight undoubtedly play a significant role in monitoring products harvested or distributed in the field by agricultural machinery. Strain gauge load cells represent the main category of this type of sensor

The three-point linkage, a key mechanical device

Both rear or front, the three-point linkage is the key to achieving the carried-type coupling between the tractor and the implement. Several hydraulic-driven devices and dedicated accessories make its handling safer and less tiring for operators, especially in the coupling and separation phases of the two units

The evolution of forage balers

To produce quality forage, it is essential to be able to manage the entire technical path, in which harvesting is certainly one of the most critical phases. Today more than ever, forage balers are at the centre of the development of innovative technologies based on sensor technology aimed both at monitoring the harvesting and baling of forage in real time and at automating certain operational routines

Open field irrigation pumps

Modern agricultural practice often uses irrigation as a fundamental means of crop production. The related systems are based on the use of pumps. Their design differs according to the mode of adquation and the specifics of the circuits in which they are installed

Asparagus harvesting: an evolving mechanization

Like several other crops in Italy, asparagus has historically experienced little mechanization because of the plant's specific characteristics. However, some dedicated harvesters are now available

Water management: ditchers

In the current climate change situation, shrewd irrigation water management is crucial for the best crop yield. Ditches and drains must be carefully planned and implemented: this is usually done with ditchers, solid machines that can work effectively in all soil types

Machinery for harvesting fourth gamma salads

The broad appreciation that fourth gamma products have gained among consumers has led to the increasing development of this supply chain, which has encouraged the development of specific harvesting machinery, including electrically driven

Forest maintenance with harvesters and forwarders

The progressive worsening of climatic conditions requires that Italy's forest heritage be managed with ever greater care and diligence. From the point of view of mechanisation, the adoption of state-of-the-art machinery can facilitate better forest management, while ensuring the highest respect for the environment and a secure income for forestry companies

Weeding even where it seems impossible by hydroseeding

Slopes, ski runs, quarries, landfills, reinforced soil, nature engineering works, as well as sports grounds, golf courses, large public recreational areas and private or common gardens: these are the several areas where hydroseeding is most widely applied. An overview of the machinery used for this green maintenance work

Agricultural drones for sustainability

P recision agriculture employs technologies capable of acquiring geo-referenced information from different platforms to obtain a multiplicity of data that will be processed and used for site-specific agroecosystem management. Acquisition platforms can detect information about spatial and temporal variability...

Snowploughs, types and models

With the arrival of the winter season and the first rainfall, the problem of cleaning roads, driveways and pavements from snow arises. For this type of operation, various types of equipment can be used in combination with a tractor. Snowploughs are the best known

Big prismatic balers

Forage packing operations can be carried out with different machine setups, capable of packing bales in different shapes according to farm needs. Many models are available on the market, and manufacturers are making increasingly sophisticated technological solutions

Farm tractor drivers' safety

For more than 50 years, Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS) protect operators in case of tractor rollover. Their integration into closed, air-conditioned, soundproofed cabs also insulated from vibration and contamination by pesticide significantly increases driver’s comfort

Hooks and tow eyes: some possible combinations of comfort and safety

One of the new features introduced by Mother Regulation includes the possibility of using coupling systems between tractors and equipment, i.e., hooks and tow eyes. Previously not allowed in Italy, these systems can instead make operators' work even safer and more comfortable

Tractor safety systems and components

and components Accident data for agriculture indicate a significant downward trend in the last few years, but the number of accidents is still high. The reduction is especially noticeable in the professional agriculture sector, where state-of-the-art machinery with advanced safety systems is used

Technologies for safety and ergonomics in the cab

Technological innovation has made it possible to develop numerous solutions to increase safety on tractors and improve the ergonomics of the controls in the driver's seat. Many of these innovations have been introduced thanks to the extraordinary progress made in the field of electronics

4.0 Applications in seeding and fertilization machinery

Agriculture 4.0 techniques have a very fruitful field of application in the seeding and fertilization sector. This is due to the marketing of machines capable of working on demand and timely monitoring the progress of different operations

Connectivity and remote control in agricultural machinery

The use of telemetry in agriculture, i.e. systems for the remote control of agricultural machinery, dates back to 2002. Initially designed to know the position of a machine, these technologies have evolved to become the mainstay of data interchange between the machine, the user and the after-sales service

Harvesting machinery, innovations 4.0

Implementing digital technologies and automation to harvesting machinery is crucial in increasing production yields and improving the final product quality. And yet it is also a response to the agricultural labor shortage that came with the pandemic

Superintensive olive growing: mechanized harvesting

Olive harvesting systems were developed since after World War II and are now highly efficient. Historical experiences in the field, different types of machines, and new technologies that match the plant structure and efficiently replace labor

Agro-photovoltaics, technologies for harmonic agricultural land management

Growing demand for electricity and increased attention to sustainable solutions have led to increased areas dedicated to photovoltaic installations. One of the main challenges for the coming years will be the coexistence between areas covered by photovoltaic panels and land used for agricultural production

Tree transplanters

The models available on the market today can significantly increase transplanting productivity and quality. Transplanters are technologies used for interventions on all types of plants. They can be supported with ISOBUS systems and also complemented with localized irrigation technologies

Mini plants for biogas production

On small to medium-sized livestock farms, anaerobic digestion holds interesting and largely unexplored opportunities. The technologies available today make the energy conversion plant economically viable, thus helping to reduce dependence on fossil fuels

Fruit harvesting platforms, a valuable aid

Within Italian agricultural production, fruit holds a vital place. Harvesting of product from tree crops intended for consumption must be timely and careful to maintain the best-keeping characteristics of the fruit. Modern fruit harvesting platforms, especially in self-propelled versions, fully meet the requirements

Machinery for forest fire prevention

Maintenance work on forest areas, such as fire tracks, among others, is increasingly important in light of climate changes. These increase temperatures and reduce rainfall, exposing forest canopies to fire risk. A wide range of specialized machinery and equipment is the necessary support for prevention efforts

Fixed tanks for agricultural diesel fuel storage

DM 22.11.2017 set out the rules for installing agricultural diesel fuel fixed tanks appropriately. From tank placement on the farm to maintenance, all regulations provisions to prevent fire or fuel spillage

Irrigation controllers for gardening

Horticultural nurseries, greehouses, public and private parks, road trees, gardens, sports fields and golf courses, etc. There are many areas where irrigation controllers are successfully used in conjunction with a wide range of sensors for better management of watering operations

Tractors with steel tracks

Italy is one of the main producers of 'classic' tracked agricultural tractors, i.e. those fitted with steel tracks. In fact, due in part to the orography of the land and the characteristics of Italy's agricultural soils, there is a constant demand for these tractors, which is met by Italian manufacturers. The current models, "heirs" of the glorious track models of the post-war period, offer good performance, an excellent level of technology and a clear improvement in driver comfort

Full maneuverability between rows

In specialized crops, the need to work without operational limitations implies the availability of highly evolved tractors in terms of steering devices. An overview of the original and partly new solutions available on the market

The technical progress of engines for agricultural use

Similar to those for the automotive sector, endothermic engines for off-road vehicles (thus including those mounted on agricultural tractor machines) also have a impact on the environment. Adoption of the latest anti-pollution devices enables a reduction in harmful emissions, up to more than 90%

Battery-powered equipment and tractors

The full electric drive of agricultural machinery and equipment is increasing, although current energy density of the batteries has not yet reached a sufficient level to properly spread this solution, which is undoubtedly more respectful of the operator and the environment. A further problem is the lack of satisfactory battery life, which in the agricultural field often exceeds, sometimes by far, the classic 8 hours per day

Viticulture, a key sector for agricultural mechanics

As part of the programme developed for EIMA International, the Club of Bologna dedicated a meeting to the development of viticulture technologies. Precision systems, from treatments to harvesting, make it possible to make vineyard cultivation increasingly productive and valuable, supporting a sector that is highly valuable not only economically but also in terms of landscape and culture

Milking robots

Automatic milking is an established reality in dairies around the world. The advantages are many, from the almost total reduction of manual work to the possibility of collecting data on individual animals, for more efficient herd management. On the other hand, it must be remembered that the milking robot is a machine that requires specific skills

Energy production from pruning waste

The comparison between the combustion of vine and olive pruning residues and natural gas in small boilers shows conflicting results regarding environmental impacts. For woody material, additional emissions from the presence of residues of pesticide treatments have to be carefully considered

Log splitters for firewood production

This equipment is of particular interest in the agricultural field, especially for the models of medium productivity, which can be operated independently through electric or internal combustion engines, or through the tractor's PTO. The most complete versions are equipped with various devices that can make work less tiring and, most of all, more safe

Sprayers: sustainable technologies

Sprayers with product recovery are an innovative and ecological solution. Furthermore, more and more cases are being reported where this technology proves to be beneficial also from an economic point of view

The front loader evolution

The front loader is probably the most important tractor accessory, significantly improving its multifunctionality. Technical progress has focused in particular on the automation of certain functions and safety in the management of suspended loads, among which the self-levelling of the lifting and lowering routines seems to be particularly useful

Weeding: all the benefits, all the applications

Weeding was often neglected in the past, but it is a simple yet highly effective mechanical weeding method. It has many agronomic and environmental advantages recently brought back into fashion for both open field and greenhouse cultivation, mainly if conducted organically

Production Mapping Systems

Production maps, developed with data collected during the harvest of products, are among the basics of precision agriculture. They provide a valuable opportunity to fully detect field variability in order to achieve optimal management of production factors, adopting the so-called "variable rate" distribution

Lubricating oils and filters for the engine

Lubrication is a fundamental requirement for the proper functioning of the engine of any self-propelled agricultural machinery. In fact, excessive friction would inevitably lead to a significant reduction in the power generated with a harmful overheating and a simultaneous increase in the wear of moving parts

Miscanthus for local pellet production

Miscanthus is a biofuel that can be efficiently grown in marginal soils with a non-intensive cultivation technique. Partly due to the reduced collection humidity, the biomass obtained is particularly suitable for pellet production

Automatic systems for cattle feeding

Automated cattle feeding systems are playing an increasingly important role in the livestock sector. They combine an increase in dry matter ingestion by the animals with significant labor and energy savings

Soil sterilization techniques

Several machines have been developed, based on chemical or physical solutions, which can eliminate pathogens, parasites, and even viruses and bacteria in agricultural soil, particularly in protected crops. Promising new alternatives are also being studied, including the use of UV light, or ozone

PocketNNI, an app for reducing the environmental impact of arable farming

Optimizing the use of inputs is suitable for both the wallet and the environment. Besides improving the economic performance of crops, precision agriculture is increasingly proving to be an effective way to mitigate the environmental impact of agricultural production, in this case, rice farming

PTO shaft guards: there is still work to be done

Hits, cuts, scrapes, mishandling. Heat, cold, ice, acids, solar radiation. All of these elements contribute in the (quick) degradation of the PTO shaft guard components. For this reason, the manufacturers' efforts to improve the product as well as the users' diligence in its maintenance must remain at the highest level

High efficiency and sophisticated automation for drip irrigation

Micro-irrigation systems have become rapidly popular, thanks mainly to their high efficiency and the simultaneous possibility of liquid fertilization. They also ensure tangible environmental benefits, thanks to the reduced volumes of water delivered. The technical solutions proposed on the market are still relatively expensive, but they can effectively prevent crop water stress to benefit the yield

The technical progress of pruning shears

Manual, hydraulic, pneumatic and recently also electronic battery. The professional models of pruning shears used in orchards and vineyards are more and more often equipped with performing lithium-ion batteries. Thanks to dedicated control electronics, they optimize the current consumption to reach the ideal autonomy, of an entire working day

Saffron, towards mechanized harvesting

Saffron, with a price which can reach 35 euro per gram, is one of the most expensive spices on the market. Hence, over the years, its cultivation has attracted an increasing number of operators. And the research for its progressive mechanization is growing up

From the field to the table, harvest of the pumpkin seeds

Still little known in Italy for consumption as such, in other countries pumpkin seed are widely used for salads or added to sweets and/or bakery products. They are offered both natural or roasted and salted in a shell or shelled, and they are excellent ingredients of a modern diet because of their high content of amino acids and unsaturated fats

High automation for bale wagons

Whether equipped with devices to catch and load or used only for transport, bale-loading wagons have become very popular especially among contractors as a valuable aid to minimize the time required to deliver loads of forage and straw to their customers

Sustainable rice cultivation: a protocol of submergence

Preliminary results of an experiment carried out in Lomellina indicate that an increase in dry periods leads to a reduction in methane emissions and decreased arsenic uptake by the rice grain

From the soil to the table, harvesting peanuts

Peanuts are geocarpic leguminous plants, widely cultivated and particularly appreciated for appetizers, especially during festivities. The vast surface dedicated to this crop in some countries implies the importance of proper harvesting mechanization usually carried out in two stages. The first stage is the extirpation of the plant (followed by a short withering), then the separation of the pods carrying the seeds from the rest of the vegetable mass

Combined stone crushers and cutters for excellent results in forestry

Designed explicitly for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance in woodland and forestry environments, stone crushers and combined forestry cutters not only finely chop the soil but also crush stones and shred branches, stumps, and roots

Pruning machinery for vineyards and orchards

Whether you choose to mechanize pruning fully or carry out pre-pruning, many types of machinery are available on the market. Nevertheless, each of them shows advantages and disadvantages. Hence it is necessary to carefully evaluate in advance the agronomic purposes of cultivation according to the type of farming

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